The unofficial GUN talk thread

ouch. The last one that I bought sold went for half that. It must be absolutely mint!
But what was the manufacture of your carbine? If it was a ww2 era carbine like winchester, rock-ola, inland, national postal meter, then they would be right around the $600 range or higher. But if it was a post war manufature like universal, or national ordnance, then they go for at the most from what ive seen $500.

Agreed, The Winchester, Rock-ola, US Postal Meter, and SIngers (Sewing Machine) get a lot of $$. Winchester being one of the most desired because its a name people can still assoc with.

My sons and I went shooting Sunday. We killed a few hundred Zombies with assault rifles and tracers because we can!!!!!!. This time we could see a lot of the tracers. Strange, because last time it was more over cast and we could not see any. I'm really liking what my son (and I) did with his Saiga 308. Wow! What A very nice shooting gun. I double secretly want one now...except with the longer 20" barrel.

Thought I would put this here....

Tec-9.. Newly Duracoated. The gun had been poorly stored for quite a few years before a friend of mine got his hands on it. It was starting to get some deep surface rust, and pitting on the original black finish. I stripped it down and had the upper receiver/barrel Duracoated a stainless silver color. Really came out nice!


last time I saw one, was when this idiot had it and he was turning his face away from where he was shooting and holding the gun out like he was scared of it and shooting the ground about 12 feet in front of him. I was scared... really scared. I kind of hoped that he would kill himself so that he didn't get anyone else.

Matt all the matches are going to be outside now, so you wont need lead bullets. Capitol City. Look on their schedule or calender. We just had the biggest stage yet. 28-32 rounds (8steel 8 paper-double tap) which is the max allowed. One guy ran out of ammo. I did it with 28 rounds. So basically its nice to have 5 mags but that stage could have been shot with 3mags in Production (10ea max). If you shoot in a higher class it could have been done with 2 mags.

I shoot in production. I was going to say if you shot it in 28 rounds, there is no way I would need over 40. I still need two more mags and a mag holster. I do plan on competing at some point this summer. It's been 5-6 years since I have. I miss it.

Do it man!!!!!! Need more production shooters. They have double stack mag holders at Cabelas $35 from Blackhawk. Cheaper online, and other brands.

Went to the stupid Lewiston Gun Show today. They had everything I wanted for cheaper than usual prices and nothing I could do about it. It was awful. I need a better career. I did get another Pmag from G3. They had a sick crazy price on those.

I was just up to northeast the other day,wicked nice folks...I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to purchace a gun in general area.....They carry a very nice assortment of guns....

How much were their P mags?? (My uncle gets $15 regular price) just wondering what others are getting. I didnt even see G3 at the show,but it was REALLY crowded when I was there,hard to tell what you did or didnt miss.

$10 for a 20s $12 or 14 for 30s. They had two 5'x5' boxes full of Pmags. All of them sold. I wonder if they make 5 or 10 round Pmags.

They do make 15 round limiters you can install into your 20 round Pmags. But you might want to check legality for hunting. I snatched up a couple more 20 round Pmags, I prefer them over 30 rounders. And also a polymer 5 round mag for hunting. Plan on taking it out to run it through some exercises to make sure it feeds reliable. If it does I'll snag a couple more online.

I doubt I'll be hunting with the AR. I'll be using short ones for NRA Highpower matches. Standing unsupported is a lot easier with a 5 rounder. I can rest the mag on my hand. And prone. The shorter the better when prone. I have short elbows.


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