93 Octane Map


New member
I was thinking today, how I prefer to fill my car with 93 octane..

Can we compile our knowledge of the various 93 octane locations..

Would love to be able to fill my car with 93 in other parts of the state, but have no idea where any of the locations are.

List thus far


-Sunoco(off Rt 111)

(corner of hogan road and stillwater)
-Citgo(Hogan road next to Darlings Ford and Lee car sales)


-Sunoco(off Rt 1)

-Deer Pond Variety on 117

Jefferson** (Possibly mislabeled)
-Peaslee's, on the Jefferson/Whitefield town-line, on Route 17

-Webb's Mobil, 269 Water street, across from IGA

Sanford Reverted back to 91....
-Citgo, 845 Main street


-Jakes Quik Stop 205 Brighton Ave, Portland 

disclaimer: I haven't been to all of these places, so they may or may not actually still have 93

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93 octane is not easy to come by in this state (if at all at this point)

Even if the pump has a 93 label, I would question if it's really 93...

I would get tuned for 91 living up in this area.

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Started a list in the first post

The citgo in Sanford, is it the one on Main street or the "Li'l General store" that's closer to South Sanford?

In Randolph there is a gas station right across from the IGA that has 93. It was actually confirmed by someone on here. I guess the owner gets it for a car he owns.

ehh not 100%. wait for him to join in Im sure he knows more than me

In my personal opinion, tuning for 93 in maine is just a pain in the ass. I didn't do quite enough research on jdm motors (ej20k specifically) and now I'm stuck trying to find a tuning source. 91 is pretty much the best we're gunna get unless something magical happens. I would love to be in your situation being on factory tune for 91
. I am gunna run "93" in the car and see how it goes, but by the end of the summer it will be tuned for 91. Also take into account how crappy gas gets during the winter!! Take what I say how you want, for all I know I could be clueless

Also I exchanged a couple messages with carter and this is what he said last about the gas station on brighton:

CARTER: Well they finally inspected the pumps, so the pumping is accurate. They still are working on getting their device calibrated. I haven't heard anything else. They feel confident it really is 93 octane, but who really knows.

Here is the first message carter sent me including the 91.3 reading that you are talking about. The message that he sent me later on which I posted before was after their testers were re-calibrated.


I'm looking at one station here in Portland. I contacted the state to find out if it really was 93 octane. I found it suspicious that they claim to be the only station that has 93 octane in Portland.

The state came back with mixed results which ranged from 91.3 octane to 92.3 octane. Well below 93 Octane. They think their testing tool is to blame.

They are testing using a new infared method. They tell me that their tool needs to be re-calibrated with more known octane samples of gas to get a more accurate reading and they are working on getting more samples. They emailed me copies of their conversations. Below is part of it addressed to me.

"Mr. Brainerd,

I tried to return your call yesterday but the number I had was incorrect.

I just wanted to let you know that we are still following up on the octane issue.

The delivery receipts from the fuel company did state that 93 octane was delivered to the Brighton Ave Gulf. The test results for the fuel coming from the terminal that correspond with that delivery indicated 93 octane as well. The analyzer test unit we are using is a brand new device and we continue to gather data to characterize the test unit to determine if the range of results we are getting are correct. Presently I do not have sufficient confidence in the results we are getting to take action.

That said it appears as though the station is actually being delivered a 93 octane product. We are looking into getting a calibration performed to establish a baseline for our tester and will follow up when that is done.

One of three things may be the reason for our low reading.

1. our tester is not correct and needs to be calibrated

2. the test results from the terminal are incorrect (possible but not likely)

3. the station is down grading its product after delivery (not easily done without someone noticing, very time consuming)"

So right now that's where we are at as far as octane testing goes.

The other issue is the fact that this stations pumps haven't been inspected for 2 years. Annual testing is required. and they have pumps "out of order"

I don't have faith right now in the pumps metering the correct amount of fuel, and the 93 octane being 93 octane.

The pumps were supposed to be inspected on 5/2 but as of today 5/12 they are still out of date.

If I am going to pay almost $4.30/gal I want to be sure I am getting what I paid for.

That's all I know as of now. I will keep you posted.


I hope you don't mind me using you carter, if anything I saved you time typing

New Mills Market in Gardiner says it has 93 octane, but my car says otherwise. I used to get more knock and pulled timing after getting gas there...


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