
My friend talked to the owner of this STi in Rockland and texted me a few pics so I thought I would throw them on here. License plate "FLAT 4"



Spotted the Patriot Subaru B9 Tribeca (all vinyl wrapped with Patriot logo's etc).  Either it's their "promo car", or it's a loaner.  This was in the town square in Alfred this morning.

Saw BDuals car parked on Washington in Sanford tonight.  Wife and I went to grab some ice cream at DQ.  Dude, what's up with your inner taillights?  The inners are missing?!  

Came out of wal-mart and this was parked in front of me! Loving the metallic purple hood scoop.

i kow that guy.  he worked on my wrx a week ago.  works at hansons in downtown lewiston

Saw a rather attractive girl in a black legacy sedan, looked pretty much stock besides UEL headers. (I got her to give it a rev) I was in my gf's JK, sitting at the 302/rt35 intersection in north windham.

a few days ago in Rockland on main st I saw a lowered flat black forester with hot pink rims and a scoobies for boobies sticker. the plate read something like C-UR-DR
i saw that thing in waldoboro! sounded mean!!

My friend talked to the owner of this STi in Rockland and texted me a few pics so I thought I would throw them on here. License plate "FLAT 4"
that's my freind Evan! he isn't on here

A dark blue forester, plate SIR5ER, pulled an ass-hat move cutting us off in Biddeford then zipped thru a gas station parking lot to cut a corner.   Not cool.

My foresters waiting on registration, so in my moms Legacy... Parked next to this STi at Windham Hannaford this afternoon.

---- I guess the photo didnt attach. It was a gray... 07-08 style I believe. Sedan.

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