In before the close!

Looking like I may pull my headlights yet again tonight when I finish working on a friends truck ...amber delete needs to happen going to look at possibly fitting in the projectors I have here .. I have both sides high and low projectors might as well see if they can fit lol

I fixed my clutch line today.... Should have taken before and after pictures. I think the subaru engineer was stoned when they designed that setup.

Even Ally isn't posting as much in here anymore... and she's got her new WRX to talk about!
Haha ive been so busy lately I haven't really had time. The wrx is heading to the body shop for some rust repair on monday. Will be driving the imp while its there. Dont know how long. Then the imp will be up for sale.

Did the amber delete .. swapped back to stock wheels in case of snow ... been looking at turbos a bit thinking I'll be selling the avo/Garrett for something a bit quicker spooling

mine is getting ready for hibernation lol it can live in the garage during the winter and probably get a turbo upgrade .. pretty sure ill lift the truck in the spring when im driving the car again ..


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