
Lowered, exhausted, green wheel'ed WRB WRX wagon with an abundance of diagonally placed decals (rally-racing sponsors I'm assuming) on the hatch on 295n by Freeport today.

Spotted Sam (Svento1280) and Alec in his loud green OBS by the mall last night. 

Also spotted AsianRobbie like 30 times last night, or should I say he spotted ME with his high beams all goddamn night!

Spotted two black hatches on 295 one had rally armors and no badgesSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mattysauruswrx said:
Spotted two black hatches on 295 one had rally armors and no badgesSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
08+ wrx hatchesSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Exchanged stares with an orange evox in Paris, he was likely staring because I was on my motorcycle. Black gd sedan with mainely sticker on passenger rear window at babies r us or something, I'd just left sleepys with a brand new tempur pedic on my trailer

i spotted a silver STI, LEDs in the headlights, ski rack i think it was robbies? by milcreek in sopo, i was towing a snowmobile with my outback leaving a cloud of burning coolant behind.

Exchanged waves with a silver lifted 04 ish forester blk rims and flaps near lowes in augusta on saturday

Hey that was me. No flaps on the forester yet but I recall waving by Lowes in Augusta on Sat. Finally spotted!!

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Passed a dark blue 05-07 lgt wagon with the plate legcygt or something similar to that in belgrade at 12:40am friday night. I was sceaming


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