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  1. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    And the location on that is?
  2. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Good Friday morning everybody!another work week down. Where are you going to drive your Subaru this weekend?
  3. toddcinpittston

    hello from kennebec countt

    Yep, first of many, I can already tell
  4. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    i wanna do that same thing to a gen 2 outback with an h6 and a wrx 6speed. and one of those auzie 2 speed transfer cases  <---- my ideal buggy
  5. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    That is the coolest GL I've ever seen. This is similar to what I want to do with my Outback. I want to come look at this soon.
  6. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Well here we are in wayne at tubby's drove 33.4 miles one way to get here we both got a med dish of the blueberry cheesecake ice cream, YUM!!!! Only subie in the lot? Boooooo
  7. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Well, another time then fluffy
  8. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Well, any way soon to be wife and I are going to tubby's for ice cream tonight, would love to see some of you ff's there
  9. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Really Nikki? You think this thread has jumped the shark?
  10. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    B L U E B E R R Y C H E E S E C A K E I C E. C R E A M !!!! on a hot humid day like today?!?! Yerm!! I feel like Homer talking about doughnuts
  11. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    WAYNE DOES!!!!! WOOT WOOT! we will be there even if none of you others care to show
  12. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Lol dsmith! Turns out Winthrop doesn't have the legendary blueberry cheesecake ice cream, checking on the shop in Wayne now
  13. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Or their spot in winthrop
  14. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Any one wanna go to tubby's in wayne and meet up over an ice cream? Blueberry cheesecake should be available...
  15. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Oh so mss hasn't set in to deep yet, huh?
  16. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    How many would that make for you dan?
  17. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    I'm old enough to remember when asbestos cloth and two hose clamps was a legal exhaust patch
  18. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Wanted to put cricket sound effect in here, but my phone just doesn't seem to want to. So hear crickets in your head now please, and consider it a commentary onthe activity level this morning
  19. toddcinpittston

    3.0R outback

    Yep, got an idea it'll probably do that pretty damn good
  20. toddcinpittston

    In before the close!

    Ya, I hear you brat man, me too, but I gotta work to make money to buy stuff for my Subaru....