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  1. D

    VF40 Just Blew Up

    I'm the same way, but he's been working on my family's cars forever and I trust him. I appreciate the words of advice though, and I always like to hear multiple views and opinions on things. I know he'll take care of me though, if the turbo needs to be replaced it will be replaced. 
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    VF40 Just Blew Up

    Which is why the first thing he's doing is taking the oil pan off to check that. And I'm going to take the advice of a Subaru certified mechanic over someone on a forum.
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    VF40 Just Blew Up

    The only other point I want to add is that if there was even a slight chance of the turbo needing to be replaced, then my mechanic would be more than willing. He would make more money off the job, and since he's a family friend he would obviously want me to make out as well as I could from this...
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    Bridgton Local Ride

    Let's Do IT!
  5. D

    VF40 Just Blew Up

    Alright so I asked my mechanic about my turbo because all you guys on here were starting to make me pretty nervous. He told me that my engine never seized so therefore there is no chance of oil starvation to the turbo. The rod bearing spun, so it started making a really loud noise, but the...
  6. D

    Anybody have a 2.5?

    you can have my ej255 with a spun rod bearing once it's taken out if you want haha.
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    Bridgton Local Ride

    Ya Sundays would be perfect for me as well
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    VF40 Just Blew Up

    We'll see what happens. Hopefully they get me a new turbo too. If not, we can play the "How many engines can Dylan blow up in his GT game!" 4? 5? Who knows! Stay tuned to find out.
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    VF40 Just Blew Up

    Haha yup. Hopefully this engine with only 10k miles on it will last me.
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    VF40 Just Blew Up

    I'm glad to hear that they're a reputable shop. It makes me feel better about the dealer if that's their go to place. I'd still rather have my own mechanic do it just because I've already got a built up trust with him, and I don't let other people feel up my manifolds and such so easily. 
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    VF40 Just Blew Up

    It was M&A
  12. D

    Bridgton Local Ride

    Meet at 10am, April 28 at the lower parking lot of Hayes True Value, which is where I work and I've gotten permission from my boss. It's right on the side of 302 and a perfect place to post up with our soobs for a bit. We're going to ride from there down 302 to Windham, then take 35 to Standish...
  13. D

    New from Bridgton

    Can you only get the filters at a dealership or online? And Meyagi can you explain why using 5w-40 is better than 5w-30 for me please? I still don't quite get it. And what makes this shell stuff the best?
  14. D

    Rob's 06 Sti

    How much would it cost for me to have my rims done? And how long would it take?
  15. D

    Rob's 06 Sti

    That plastidip job looks amazing. Did you do it yourself?
  16. D

    New from Bridgton

    Is that a full synthetic? I'm not familiar with it. And how much does an oil change with that oil and that filter cost? I usually do mobil 1 with a mobil 1 filter so price isn't an issue haha
  17. D

    New from Bridgton

    Thanks. I'll keep the thread updated as this process goes on. If anyone has any other advice/tips/etc from past experiences with this sort of thing I always love to hear about it. Knowledge is power.
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    Newl from standish

    Welcome to the site man. I've seen your ride at PF in Windham a bunch looks real sweet. We should definitely go riding some time.
  19. D

    Engine misfire on cylinder 1

    ALWAYS GAP YOUR SPARK PLUGS!!!!!!!! I had the same problem on my 02 REX when I had it, I put new plugs in and didn't gap them and it was still throwing the code, so I went BACK in and changed the plugs AGAIN, only this time I gapped them. The difference was unbelivable. From the factory those...