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  1. E


    I think Skipow and I just saw iwagon in Auburn on Mt. Auburn ave.  We were in the Brat.  Whoever the driver was didn't pay attention, but we both waved.
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    In before the close!

    This is you:
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    Haha that bugeye may have been me.  I was on 26 around 8-8:30a and 3:30-4:00p.
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    In before the close!

    I'm putting my snow tires on today :]  They're been in storage for the last 6 months, and apparently I put them away covered in mud, which has turned to dirt and is now all over my back seat :| (Which is completely not like me...I keep it spotless inside).
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    In before the close!

    I know I can get on it if I'm not shifting, but I'm talking when lanes merge and they try to get around me on the right.  After seeing how ugly the new WRX is, the BRZs are even MORE appealing.  How much do you love it?
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    In before the close!

    I got mine back last wednesday.  Complete gasket replacement, timing belt, exedy clutch, they machined my heads, and did a whole bunch of other stuff to make 'er go.  Breaking in a new clutch sucks though.  So many door-stop-shaped cars thinking they're faster than me...
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    I see her a lot in new Auburn, it is a gorgeous car.
  8. E


    Belongs to a girl named Naomi.  She's not on here.
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    In before the close!

    Haha maybe!  Maybe he does get ticketed and just doesn't care.
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    In before the close!

    There is a Jeep Cherokee I see around Durham/Freeport ALL.  OF.  THE.  TIME.  with police-light blue film over his headlights.  It's super annoying running into him at night.  All the police around that area and you think one of them would make him get rid of them.
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    In before the close!

    Wow, makes me rethink the HID conversion then. Picked my car up from M + A today, aaaaand she's a brand new car.  It's like I'm not even driving the same vehicle.  They did a full reseal and a whooooole bunch of other stuff, and my favorite new part of it is the new clutch.  Can't wait to...
  12. E

    In before the close!

    That sucks, gotta pay to play, though, at least your car will be even more sweet.  Is anyone helping you out with it?
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    In before the close!

    Spending 200 > spending 1200, any day.
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    In before the close!

    I'm hopefully picking mine up today.  It's been at M + A for the last week getting a full reseal, some suspension work, a new clutch, and a bunch of other things I can't remember right now.  I'm so anxious, I miss it SO much, and it's gonna be mint. Boo.  I did my fronts this summer, and I...
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    In before the close!

    They're $115 on Kartboy's website w/ free shipping.  You know, for those of us who don't have the Evergreen in ;].
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    I don't, sorry :[
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    <---MVHS Alum Waved to KamB today on Turner St. in Auburn.
  19. E

    Northern Meet October 2013- Buffalo Wild Wings, Bangor 6:30PM

    I had so much fun :]  You guys are all so great.  It was nice that so many of the ladies came out!!