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    Fall Group Drive 2014!!

    MainelySubarus earning some street cred with getting pulled over. Pretty impressive that he got the majority of us all. Great time though and some amazing sights
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    Fall Group Drive 2014!!

    Had a great time for my first ride. Can't wait for the next and to see some pictures.
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    BLMPKN's LOWERED 05 OBXT! **UPDATED 1/8/13**

    Yeah I wondered if you had fixed it up. Last time I saw your exhaust up at cole fahms with a buddy of mine it was looking pretty rough. Did you go back to duals? Are you going to the drive on the 26th as well? Love to see ya up there.
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    FS: 93 legacy touring wagon first gen

    Damn, I think I'm in love. Wanna just give this to me haha
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    BLMPKN's LOWERED 05 OBXT! **UPDATED 1/8/13**

    Damn, I always wondered if you were on here. I see you around all the time, and I just finally saw you at the Apple in gray. To get to say something. Your car is nasty just like I said when I saw you haha. Amazing build
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    Well here's a little story for you wonderful people. I got out of school and went over to my friends house and chilled for a bit and as we were sitting playing a little nhl. We hear a deep rumble go by and we jump to the window to see if we can catch a glimpse but it was to late but we hear it...
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    Fall Group Drive 2014!!

    Awesome, I'll see if I can get my hands on one. I'm going to bring a buddy along that's thinking about selling his scion tc and getting a fozz xt. Hopefully this'll speed up his decision and we can get a new member! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Looking for someone to install my catless uppipe(Portland)

    Try autowerke in Raymond. They put my catback on and it sounds amazing. I have a lgt as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Profile issues?

    I've literally been trying to set my profile picture for so long and it's not letting me at all.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Fall Group Drive 2014!!

    Awesome, this will be my first one. Any essentials I should bring along with me? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Flat4awd's 1997 Acadia Green Impreza L "Linda Lovelace"

    Yeah I sniped a really bright set of yellow fog bulbs off EBay. 12 bucks couldn't be happier. But I want to spray them so it will look good during the day while the bulbs are off. Enhance the look. But thanks to all you guys. I'll shoot up there when I get the time. Sent from my iPhone using...
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    Vw's are for the weak Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Flat4awd's 1997 Acadia Green Impreza L "Linda Lovelace"

    WHERE DID YOU FIND STAIN GLASS SPRAY?!?! I searched high and low yesterday looking for the sneaky bastard. Still no luck. Please help a brother out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Fall Group Drive 2014!!

    I'm in. I live right next to windham. So it's perfect just give me a date and time to put on my calendar and I'll be there. Can't wait to meet up with you guys. Itl be a good time I'm sure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New member!

    sweet man! Where do you go to school? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New guy Portland/Waterville

    Welcome. I also drive a black leggy. I go to Waterville all the time in the summer because of a family camp on great pond. Hopefully I'll see you around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Back with an 07 FSXT

    Beautiful ride. Planning on doing anything to it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Questions for anyone that works at Pape Subaru

    Thanks man will do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Questions for anyone that works at Pape Subaru

    Just ran into some car troubles and I just have a few questions. I would suppose someone that works for pape has an account on here. Tired of calling back and forth with multiple people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    dear neon

    Dear, Fat a** with a blue swimming noodle, swimming in the middle of the night at Sabbathday lake beach. How about you keep your damn legs and your queer noodle away from my car and my friends Mazda while we are just going for a calm cruise. And also please shove your middle fingers 5 feet up...