Search results

  1. xxnightraven73x

    scott's 05 wrx

    well lots of things going on around here longer work at the dealership so ill be doing things out of my garage and a friends as well ..lil one is coming in november so i bought a family/winter beater vehicle 98 navigator sitting on lighting wheels  picked up a new set of wheels for the...
  2. xxnightraven73x

    random parts

    Some random parts laying around  Stock wrx header 50 Stock 04/05 wrx scoop 30 Stock 04/05 wrx fog covers 20  Sti fog cover drivers side 20 Cp pistons 99.5mm 8.2:1 no wrist pins 100 Td04 with a lot of play 20 Jl audio 12w0's in jl power wedge with kicker 400watt amp 240 Poland Maine can text...
  3. xxnightraven73x


    Yeah I think I did actually ..I think Adam worked on it ..there's actually only 4 of us in Nissan so its pretty fast paced
  4. xxnightraven73x


    Yep work at Lee Nissan ..still in auburn though love having weekends again and better pay lol
  5. xxnightraven73x

    scott's 05 wrx

    Yeah its nice having 2 days off in a row lol
  6. xxnightraven73x

    New member!

    welcome to the club 
  7. xxnightraven73x

    New from Lewiston

    welcome .. im from poland and work at lee nissan in auburn so im sure ill see you around 
  8. xxnightraven73x

    scott's 05 wrx

    it better be lol  header and rails may go on tomorrow afternoon ..loving my job change so far actually have weekends to do things again haha
  9. xxnightraven73x

    Matts 06 wrx

    Def digging the flat gray with red wheels that does look pretty sick
  10. xxnightraven73x

    scott's 05 wrx

    brakes and sway bar links are next to get done a box of goodies going right now crank pulley is already on  ..yeah ill have to order the flange at some point ill fab something up for it once i get another vehicle 
  11. xxnightraven73x


  12. xxnightraven73x

    scott's 05 wrx

    more parts buying going on lol decided to get some perrin fuel rails and grimmspeed l/w crank pulley  debating between drilled and slotted rotors and header right now since my brakes are making an annoying creeking when stopping .. 2 different sets of new pads and its still doing it so it...
  13. xxnightraven73x

    Matts 06 wrx

    unreal some people are truly classless .. probably just pissy you have nice things and they dont .. i hate leaving my car out of the garage because of things like this ..sorry to see it matt hope you find them and  they get what they have coming to them 
  14. xxnightraven73x

    Injector shenanigans

    They all had an odd angled burn/wear to them which would easily double or triple the gap if the spark is blown to that side
  15. xxnightraven73x

    scott's 05 wrx

    been a while since i posted anything here ..i got rid of the 18's the ride was horrible with them so ill look for some 17's at some point .. added sti fog covers  as for whats next .. well ive been debating building a rotated setup for it for a lil while now ..found a steal on a turbonetics...
  16. xxnightraven73x

    factory radio

    i have one from my rex still 
  17. xxnightraven73x


    my buddy cory has a 08 rex with white tralier wheels on it lol .. that's probably the one you keep seeing ... tinted tails and(i think) invidia exhaust on it he bought it at rosies on rt.4
  18. xxnightraven73x

    Matts 06 wrx

    i have it on mine too .. heard it could be cured with more grounding and the fuel line mod but i haven't really had time to mess with my car lately.also heard the rails being small and the injectors drawing a lot of fuel could cause cavitation that could cause the stutter .doubt ill get...
  19. xxnightraven73x


    nah wasnt me .. i was working on a tahoe and a cobalt on sunday 
  20. xxnightraven73x


    the one in mcfalls was probably my rex