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  1. R

    2006 STi Build Thread

    Bought this car in December of 2012 with about 40k on the clock. I figured since I'm doing a build thread on the 2000 Impreza, that I ought to start one for the STi.  Here's a list of mods as I installed them. I'll be inserting pictures as I sort through my SD cards, but here's what it came...
  2. R


    I just ordered some fortune auto 500's for the STi never heard of them before, but they have stellar reviews. I ran Megans on my last setup and they were solid, but a little harsh. They held up well. Fortune Auto claims to have a digressive piston that increases ride quality without compromising...
  3. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Thanks for the input. I'm hoping to have the cash kicking around to do it next weekend. Wonder how quick I can do it...
  4. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    There's a link to the photobucket album. I couldn't get the picture insert to work on my computer for some reason. I'll try to update the original post. I already changed the fuel filter, no change in how it ran. As for the gallons of PB blast, I'm not even going to bother. I'm just going to...
  5. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Update: New coil, fuel filter, plugs, and I cleaned everything real nice. I even pulled the injectors out and cleaned them. So far no real change. At this point I'm really leaning more towards a fueling issue. Luckily I have a line on a new tank, pump, sending unit, and filler neck for $150, so...
  6. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Yeah that was a test drive, bought a brand new coil.... Still having issues. Going to yank the fuel pump, sending unit, filler neck and clean or replace them all. Also going to clean the throttle body, and all the assorted sensors in that area. I have a 3 day weekend, so I should be able to get...
  7. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    We'll see. It's all hinging on how well the ol SOHC 2.5 hangs on next winter.
  8. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Well, assuming I get all the little issues sorted with it and it takes a sticker, it's fixing to look a lot better next summer. I found a wide body fender kit with side skirts for $850 shipped, and I have a spray gun at the house. I'm just trying to figure out what I want to do for a motor and...
  9. R


    I went straight up eBay with mine. Paid $420 shipped for them new in box... they have no distinguishing marks that say what they are, but the quality looks decent, the tops look like they're rebuildable. The ride is improved over my blown struts, and I would say is at least on par with my 06 STi...
  10. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Yeah that was my heap in all its glory. Was trying to get up speed just in case it stalled out again so I could coast most of the way home. Not sold on the coil idea, but as luck would have it the previous owner left what looks like a new coil on the rear deck maybe I'll swap it over. My...
  11. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    The ride to work this morning, I wasn't sure it was going to make it up the hill by the Augusta airport. I had a flashing CEL, and it was sputtering pretty hard. The flashing CEL went away, and stayed off, so I was unable to read a code from it. Guess it's time to park it for a little while and...
  12. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    So far today... suspension is riding great. Very impressed for what I was expecting.  I did stall out on the highway though. Car started back up fine. Then in town, it said it was low on gas, fuel light was on, stopped and it barely took 5 gallons. It's reading full now. Guess my next area of...
  13. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

     STi. End links are mounted on the inside. Plenty of clearance everywhere else.  Also, Fed Ex delivered today, 2 days early, so the struts are in and the broken wheel studs have all been replaced. First impression on driving with them is that they are a hell of a lot better than the stockers...
  14. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    STi rear swaybar has been installed. It's a tight fit, but it should work well. In other news, there was a huge mouse nest on top of the rear struts. More pics will be added to the photobucket album as progress is made.
  15. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Well the plan is to get the blueprinted motor for my STi, and drop the current 257 from my STi into the RS. Last night was a fuel filter change. Lets see if that stops the random hesitating and stuttering at higher RPMs. If the drive to work this morning was any indicator, the old filter was...
  16. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    It has character. The head gaskets had been done recently according to the carfax report and so was the timing belt and clutch. Not that I can't do those items, I just don't want to do them. I want the motor to last long enough from me to gather parts to do either an EJ257 swap or (and my...
  17. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Next big ting is the coil overs, which I took a gamble on because they're eBay specials, and getting the tires changed over. That *should* be enough for a sticker.  Since this is a project and I can pretty much get away with whatever I want, what's everyone's thoughts on putting the rally style...
  18. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    Its a very cheap flux core mig... I kept burning through. Rivets were faster and it's all going to be covered up in the end so looks weren't that important to me. I am on a timeline. It has to take a sticker by July.
  19. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    I have created an album on photobucket. I'm trying to post the link, but my computer is being all jacked up. Anyways, just a reminder that I'm doing this build on the cheap. There will be name brand nothing on this...
  20. R

    So I bought a 2000 2.5 RS 4 door... kinda build thread.

    I recently picked up a 2000 2.5 RS Sedan. It's got 206k on it and shows every bit of it. I paid more than I should have, but I have high hopes that I can bring this car back to life. The car was bought for $2400. It was missing the side skirts on one side, and the rockers underneath the existing...