Search results

  1. T

    Brett's 93 Legacy LS wagon

    Haven't logged in to here in such a while, a few things have happened in the past year and a half. Split up with the wife (yay, more $$, and time to work on projects!), sold this car to buy a chevy s10, a few cars later.. I still don't have a Subaru. I plan on buying a wrx this summer, or coming...
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    Flat4awd's 1997 Acadia Green Impreza L "Linda Lovelace"

    Nice to see some updates on the old green car. Get a hold of me when you get state side. 
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    Flat4awd's EJ205 STM GC8

    This "transformation" needs to get done so I can start working on my snow sled in the garage 
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    Brett's 93 Legacy LS wagon

    I work at Central Tire so you will probably see me quite often lol. I need to bolt together the spare motor in my garage and get it ready for boost at some point. 
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    Brett's 93 Legacy LS wagon

    Indeed, now for some suspension and 5 speed parts. If anyone knows of a set of 16" Wrx wheels or 16" older RS wheels that are in good shape, I may be interested in buying them for summer wheels. Nothing curbed. 
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    Brett's 93 Legacy LS wagon

    You do? I have some other parts kicking around that would make that 22t go well in this car. I was surprised it was still for sale, he had it on the side of the road too. It had been listed since October 23rd or something like that. 
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    That was me in my new daily driver. 
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    Brett's 93 Legacy LS wagon

    Haven't been on here in some time, and I've purchased a new vehicle during that time. I was driving the Impreza coupe up until a few weeks ago when a decent cash offer was made on it. The night after selling the coupe I found this.. and for a very fair price.  93 Legacy LS wagon 168k on the...
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    Brett's 99 Outback Sport Wagon

    I wish I never sold this car! I'd buy it back if I could. 
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    97 Outback 2.5 problems.

    Has he checked the plugs for the fuel injectors on those cylinders or has he actually taken out the plugs and checked for spark?
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    My wife spotted some tool on 111 coming back from Biddeford today headed into Sanford. The said tool was in a silver Impreza with no wing or hood scoop but was driving like an idiot and almost went head on with another car when he went to pass her. 
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    The FWD coupe.

    Bought my Christmas present yesterday (I won't say the price because it was more than I wanted to spend), if this coupe needs a rebuild it's going to get one now!  It's a Snap On digital torque wrench, so many different features that I cant list them all. It will also come in handy to get the...
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    The FWD coupe.

    Oil level was good, I'm not sure what happened. 
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    The FWD coupe.

    Spun a rod bearing    which is unfortunate because I was going to put the short block from this in the Outback I bought. Anyone out there have a good 2.2 short block? I've never seen a 2.2 spin a rod bearing before. 
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    The FWD coupe.

    Upon further inspecting the under carriage I'm going to just patch the rot hole and drive it for now. Too much rust for me to want to deal with. Going to put money away for a cleaner car.. maybe find one with a blown motor and just put one of my two motors in it. 
  16. T

    The FWD coupe.

    Yeah that's probably what I'll wind up doing. About a month ago I picked up a Lincoln Electric pro core 125 mig welder. I have my parts car I can use the front fenders from. I was going to give them to Rick for the RS but they aren't worth putting on so I guess they will be donors!
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    The FWD coupe.

    Its just about as bad.. check it out. I watched a few videos on Youtube that seem to have good instructions on how to weld in new sheet metal. Lucky for me I have the parts car to cut sheet metal out of. 
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    Rot repair and does anyone on here do it

    Anyone on here do rot repair or could recommend someone who will do a professional job? Would like to have my Impreza repaired instead of just replacing the car. Rear quarters and rockers need attention. 
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    The FWD coupe.

    Going to retire this car once I find one that is rust free. Tried to start attacking the rust today and it's too far gone. Still an excellent beater car tho.
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    JP's 02 Impreza TS

    Those 2.5 heads would drop it down enough, but I gotcha lol. If I swap out the short block I'll let you know. Im trying to find a good 2.5 short block to put in. 