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  1. D

    04 wrb sti for sale

    He guys I'm putting my car up for sale it an 2004 sti wrb its ben a great car and im going to miss it a lot, its just im going back to school in the fall and I wont b able to afford the monthly payments on it any more the car its self has 148,000 miles on it, how ever I had to replace the block...
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    carrier bearing for the 04 sti

    im not sure what the go for new but would you b will ing to take 100$ for it
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    carrier bearing for the 04 sti

    How much will u be willing to sell that drive shaft for?
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    carrier bearing for the 04 sti

    I need to replace my carrier bearing on the drive shaft of my 04 sti and unfortunately its on nation wide backorder due the that damn wave over in japan so if any one has a used one willing to sell me or knows where to get one please let me know. Thank you
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    I extremely dislike popos

    I extremely dislike popos
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    saw a wrb wrx with red rally armor flaps in poland on rt 26 going down towards range pond and I also saw jlyonssti in gray next to drymills
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    I passed a girl driving a dark blue wrx on 95 today getting off in Augusta.
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    haha ya that was me u tagged I didnt notice the tag till I was back on the pike and it ended flying off when I was racing a vw on the way home haha
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    that might of been me but im not sire what eastbroole hall is lol. did the sti have the gold rims as well
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    New Northerners Meet! March 19th!

    i will try to make it but im not sure ill let u know as the date comes closer.
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    lol nice man lol but this ant poop haha

    lol nice man lol but this ant poop haha
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    o shes fantastic [IMG]

    o shes fantastic
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    MS February 2011 Meet

    haha nice ill b there this time
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    MS February 2011 Meet

    do u have to be 21 for this place haha
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    I think i get my car back tomorrow!!!!!

    I think i get my car back tomorrow!!!!!
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    How bad do you beat on your car?

    i have an 04 sti and was wondering whats the worst thing that could happen when u do cookies on dry pavement
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    saw a black sti at lost valley tonight
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    nice man glad u did
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    WTFFFFF!!!!! im having such bad luck with my car... back to evergreen for me