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  1. D

    04 wrb sti for sale

    He guys I'm putting my car up for sale it an 2004 sti wrb its ben a great car and im going to miss it a lot, its just im going back to school in the fall and I wont b able to afford the monthly payments on it any more the car its self has 148,000 miles on it, how ever I had to replace the block...
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    carrier bearing for the 04 sti

    I need to replace my carrier bearing on the drive shaft of my 04 sti and unfortunately its on nation wide backorder due the that damn wave over in japan so if any one has a used one willing to sell me or knows where to get one please let me know. Thank you
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    Need help!

    so im finally getting my car back really soon but i found out that im going to have a hard time finding an inspection sticker for my car, because i have an aftermarket 3 inch exhaust with no cat... any one know a place i can go that will pass me? thans for the help.
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    hey im a new member at mainelysubarus my name is jarred i have been in maine my hole life and i just recently bought a 2004 sti, Its my first Subaru and deffentily wont be my last! I love this car even though i already spun a main baring and the dealership refuses to help me so i need to come up...