Search results

  1. 4WRXter

    195/60/15 tires

    I'm trying to help out a young fellow who needs some tires. A decent set of 4 that are affordable. Does anybody have some? SUBARUDE?
  2. 4WRXter

    WTB - '05 OUTBACK drivers headlight assy

    Looking for a good headlight assy. I know an 8yr old light won't be perfect, but want GOOD condition. I will also call Norm's but thought it's worth posting here as well.
  3. 4WRXter

    CEL/ Engine Code/Limp mode

    So, I got a DTC code a couple days ago. First, some overall info: 2004 Forester XT STi catless uppipe Perrin Catted Downpipe Cobb AccessPort stage 2, 91 octane "tune" Resistor in place of air/fuel sensor New  rear O2 sensor I replaced valve cover gaskets and plugs a couple years ago. I...
  4. 4WRXter

    Research Project

    So, I am starting on a research project. The subject is: engine replacement vs. "new" car. A little background; 2004 forester XT. 2.5L turbo engine. Auto trans. 151,000 miles. Rust bubbles on the left front fender and rear hatch. I was planning on replacing the fender (new) and hatch (used)...
  5. 4WRXter

    Torn CV boot

    So, we have a torn inner front CV boot on the Outblack. Can I replace just the boot? Does this mean removing the spindle/knuckle to remove the axle? Does the above mean breaking the ball joint pinch bolt...which means drilling through the spindle and putting in a longer bolt and nut? Or could...
  6. 4WRXter

    Forester end links

    So, something is clunking in the front of the FXT. I want to remove the end links for inspection. I started to loosen the nuts and the stud is spinning also. I tried looking and putting different wrenches on the inside of the stud to hold it, but no luck. There doesn't seem to be any way to keep...
  7. 4WRXter

    '05 Outblack Wag

    Most of you may know I sold my '02 WRX.. And the current owner has already beat it to a pulp >;-). So I have inherited the FXT, and we were looking for a sedan for my wife. We found this OBW with under 47,000 when we got it. Then I got at it. It's just a 2.5i, automatic, so it is slow as...
  8. 4WRXter

    Rear hatch "trim" - '05 OBW, Leg Wag, LGT Wag

    This may be a long shot but, I am looking for a plastic piece on the outside of the hatch. It is the piece that spans across the hatch, below the rear glass, above the license plate. It has the reverse lights in it. Preferably, Obsidian Black. I would possibly take one that needs to be painted...
  9. 4WRXter

    Sway bar bushing replacement - 04 FXT

    So, I have some clunking going on. Front struts and mounts were replaced not too long ago (2 yrs??). When I crawled under and hit the sway bar with the heel of my hand, It sounds like that could be it. It looks to me like I have to remove the front subframe to get at the nut on the front of the...
  10. 4WRXter

    2001 Outback spring(s)

    Looking for a friend. He has a broken front, passenger side spring. Might consider a spring/strut assembly, possibly a pair. Anybody have anything?
  11. 4WRXter

    Unofficial Sattelite Radio Mount Pic Thread

    I'm looking for ideas to mount a Sat. Radio. I don't really want to use a vent mount. I want to hardwire mine. What have you all done? Pics please.
  12. 4WRXter

    Inspection question

    IIRC, there are some inspection techs here. My question is...If I buy a car in N.H. from a used car dealer, with temporary plates, and it has N.H. inspection, is that inspection good for a year, or do I need to get it inspected in Maine as soon as I register it?
  13. 4WRXter

    05 legacy OB grill

    I'm looking for an affordable grill to cut up and mod. It needs to fit a 2005 leg OB. Does anyone have one?
  14. 4WRXter

    Legacy/Outback Turbo vs N/A

    I have done some reading on this, but want to "hear" some more opinions. We are considering a new to us car. Interested in a legacy platform. We would like to have the power of a turbo. One issue is the "bad bearings" problem. Is it really a problem? About what mileage does it tend to show up...
  15. 4WRXter

    The dreaded gas smell

    Our 2004 Forester XT has developed a gas smell, mostly when it is cold, just like the '02 WRX's do/did. I suspect it is the same fuel hose contracting issue. Is that a known issue with other models? I also realize it could quite possibly be the fact that the car is 9yrs old with 150k(ish) miles...
  16. 4WRXter

    A Shout out to EG Subaru

    I know they are not technically a vendor, but........................ So.... I call EG at 7:50 am. I get to Adam's voice mail. Explain my situation. At like 7:55 he calls me back. Me; "I messed up one of the rocker cover gaskets I got from you last Thu. Do you have another?" Adam; "I will...
  17. 4WRXter

    Valve cover gaskets

    Soooooooo, I think the valve cover gaskets are leaking, may need to be replaced on our FXT. Passenger side is leaking enough so that there is smoke intermittently. I crawled under, pulled off the plastic belly pan, got a flashlight and searched for oil drips. It looks like it's a project over...
  18. 4WRXter

    Dash Removal

    It seems that I have a dead mouse in my car. I have checked the obvious spots-spare tire well, glove box. I started tearing into the "dash". Got the heater fan out, got in as far as the A/C core. No mouse. Took out the center console, radio, heat & a/c controls, gauge pod. I'm wondering if...
  19. 4WRXter

    Saggy Butt?

    I have a pair of 1/2" HDPE Paranoid Fabrications Saggy Butt Spacers. Fit '02-'03 Impreza. I'm not POSITIVE, but I believe they fit sedan and wagon. I had them on my wagon for about a year. $15.00 I'm going to be out of town with no internet access for the weekend. Will respond to PMs or posts...
  20. 4WRXter

