Search results

  1. Industry

    07 forester motor

    How do the HG and timing components look?
  2. Industry

    Wtb 2.5l SOHC longblock

    Can't have avcs, so must be pre-05. Lower miles is less important than good HG and timing belt, but lower miles preferred.
  3. Industry

    07 forester motor

    I have an intact 2.5l out of an 07 forester. Bought it and didn't realize it wouldn't fit my 03. Want to sell, or better yet trade for a good motor for my 03.
  4. Industry

    The unofficial GUN talk thread

    SBR and a Can?! I'm very envious.
  5. Industry

    my baby has to go

    Going down to 5k firm.
  6. Industry

    my baby has to go

    Little update here. 211k miles. Now has 30k on rebuild, and made 257whp/277wtq on a very conservative tune from alex at Granite state Dyno. Got new struts and wheel bearing. 6k for mainelysubarus members.
  7. Industry

    Turboback Installation Prep

    Are you doing a dyno tune, or etune with opensource?
  8. Industry

    Augusta Mainely meet, August 3rd.

    Me and my shitbox will be attending.
  9. Industry

    ej253 $250

    This fit an 06 forester?
  10. Industry

    Turboback Installation Prep

    Bring it to farmingdale and I'll help you install it.
  11. Industry

    Lenient Inspection Station..? Anyone...

    You also have to understand that those "lenient" shops are few and far between now, and those of us that know of them aren't very likely to hand out info to someone we have never met before. The above advice is solid though. The small shops out in the country aren't likely to crawl around under...
  12. Industry

    05 Legacy GT 9lbs Boost

    Stock is a 2 port, grimspeed or cobb are 3 port. That's why aftermarket doesn't need the boost pill.
  13. Industry

    05 Legacy GT 9lbs Boost

    Should have said aftermarket ebcs.
  14. Industry

    05 Legacy GT 9lbs Boost

    You are definitely on wastegate pressure. Is it an EBCS, or just stock? If stock you are probably missing the boost pill in the line from the T to the turbo.
  15. Industry

    AEM Dry Flow Panel filter

    No fit on 05 lgt?
  16. Industry

    Irritating ticking

    Shawn at crossroads in west Gardiner?
  17. Industry

    New guy from Topsham!

  18. Industry

    Greetings from lower Togus Pond

    Love fishing over there. Welcome.
  19. Industry

    Where are my fellow fozzys at?

    I have 2, but they're just NA.
  20. Industry

    Howdy from gardiner/carabasset vally

    Welcome. I live in farmingdale. Silver 05 Lgt