04/05 JDM Tail MOD

but I have an 05 Sti and I don't have JDM tails!!!


oh and noob settings... low post count per page. you can change that in your profile settings on NASIOC.

yeah most of the OG's set it to 50 posts per page.

and yes, you're almost the last person to have heard about that.

Worst mod ever, you loose visibility at night because of the position of the lights when moved. Ya looks great, but at the cost of someone hitting you. Me thinks not.

^ please elaborate - where can someone hit you from? I'm assuming the two large blobs of light at the front of the vehicle and two large blobs of light at the rear are enough to convince people that there is, in fact, a large metal bit between them.

I am willing to admit it looks cool, have tried it on my car before, but its not as bright as the taillights normally are, and you loose visibility on the outer sides of the taillights. It could be a possibility of not seeing the car if you were coming from a weird angle from behind or a possibility of merging, and I usually assume that people don't have common sense to think there is something behind the headlights or to have common sense in general, seen a lot of stupid stuff on the road, willing to bet almost every one on this forum has a few good stories of stupid drivers.

meh. . . .i'm happy with it. still bright as hell. unless someone is coming up on me from the underside of my car i dont think i will have much of an issue with it.
