1st Annual Ride of the Year! - Nominations Thread


Active member
Hey guys,

We've decided to create a new award to coincide with our upcoming 2 year anniversary (April). That new award will be the "Ride of the Year" award. The winner will be announced at our 2 year anniversary meet (details TBA) and will be decided on completely by the MainelySubarus users. Here's how it will work. For the next 2-4 weeks we will take nominations for certain cars. I will close the nominations period as I see fit, either due to fading interest or runaway nominations. We will then release detailed info of the contestants cars one week at a time. After all the cars have been released we will go through a period of silent voting with the winner set to be unveiled at the April meet and presented a trophy as well as the considerable adoration that comes along with being the first ever MS Ride of the Year winner.

So here's what I need you to do here:

Each and every one of you can nominate UP TO 5 cars. You can not nominate your own car and you can not nominate a car of an Admin or Mod. The three cars with the most nominations will be the finalists. If possible as people get nominated I will link to their build threads so you might get a better idea of what cars are getting nominated. If you have a build thread and I haven't linked to your car that's been nominated, feel free to pm me the link. Admins/Mods can nominate but not vote.

Once those three are chosen the owners will be given a chance to make a formal write up about their car, their mod lists, and 3 of their favorite pictures that best represent their car.

It's up to you guys to make this a success, and I will back it 100% by keeping this as updated as possible.

1. SUBARUDE's 2004 Forester XT: 18 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?655-ANGRY-FOZZIE-AS-JOEL-CALLS-IT!!!!!!!!!)

2. Ryan314's 2002 WRX: 18 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?8398-My-Bugeye-s-Progression)

3. MikeMeyagi's 1994 Legacy: 13 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?2182-My-94-Legacy-Wagon)

4. Stixxx's 2005 STi: 16 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?1499-2005-OBP-STi-The-Fun-Never-Ends)

5. STInate's 2007 STi: 14 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?503-2007-Murdered-STi)

6. GClark's 2005 OBS: 9 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?8045-OffRoad-BA-Subaru)

7. RaysRS's 2.5 RS: 1 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?9221-Rays-2-5RS-so-far)

8. Bratman's FXT: 3 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?8472-04-Forester-XT)

9. 08WRXME's 2008 WRX: 1 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?1469-08-WRX-Sedan)

10. Inski's Impreza: 4 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?774-Darth-Wagon-begins-to-immerge-from-the-depths-of-averageness)

11. MAINIAC SPEC B's 2007 Spec B: 3

12. WRXSushi's WRX: 3 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?1931-WRXSuShi-s-Wagon)

13. Katnip's 2004 STi: 1 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?8954-3-Subies-and-a-Nissan)

14. Evilaspie's 2003 WRX: 3 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?652-Blank-Yellow-Canvas)

15. Evan's WRX: 2 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?6426-evans-wrx-engine-build)

16. wzrd's WRX Ltd: 5 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?921-The-wzrd-project)

17. gat24jg's STi: 1

18. diabloadsit's 2006 STi: 1

19. SUBARUDE's 2006 FXT: 2 (Link: http://www.mainelysubarus.com/forums/showthread.php?8454-Pics-of-the-new-06-fsxt-limited)

20. killerbumlebee's WRX: 1

21. spinmastert's WRX: 1

22. urabusturbo's Legacy SS: 1

23. Lghtsabr's Legacy GT: 1

24. ihatnoob's Legacy GT: 3


lets see...

1. Toxic XT(Gabe)

2. Ryan314

3. MikeMeyagi ( I freaking love your wagon!)


5. STI Nate' (when its working)

i thought he changed his name to that from 08wrxme

I don't see a reason why i can't nominate eh? i'd like to get in on the fun. lemme get 3 yays in approval so i can tag myself in. i won't be voting for the finalists however
