Active member
Hey guys,
We've decided to create a new award to coincide with our upcoming 2 year anniversary (April). That new award will be the "Ride of the Year" award. The winner will be announced at our 2 year anniversary meet (details TBA) and will be decided on completely by the MainelySubarus users. Here's how it will work. For the next 2-4 weeks we will take nominations for certain cars. I will close the nominations period as I see fit, either due to fading interest or runaway nominations. We will then release detailed info of the contestants cars one week at a time. After all the cars have been released we will go through a period of silent voting with the winner set to be unveiled at the April meet and presented a trophy as well as the considerable adoration that comes along with being the first ever MS Ride of the Year winner.
So here's what I need you to do here:
Each and every one of you can nominate UP TO 5 cars. You can not nominate your own car and you can not nominate a car of an Admin or Mod. The three cars with the most nominations will be the finalists. If possible as people get nominated I will link to their build threads so you might get a better idea of what cars are getting nominated. If you have a build thread and I haven't linked to your car that's been nominated, feel free to pm me the link. Admins/Mods can nominate but not vote.
Once those three are chosen the owners will be given a chance to make a formal write up about their car, their mod lists, and 3 of their favorite pictures that best represent their car.
It's up to you guys to make this a success, and I will back it 100% by keeping this as updated as possible.
We've decided to create a new award to coincide with our upcoming 2 year anniversary (April). That new award will be the "Ride of the Year" award. The winner will be announced at our 2 year anniversary meet (details TBA) and will be decided on completely by the MainelySubarus users. Here's how it will work. For the next 2-4 weeks we will take nominations for certain cars. I will close the nominations period as I see fit, either due to fading interest or runaway nominations. We will then release detailed info of the contestants cars one week at a time. After all the cars have been released we will go through a period of silent voting with the winner set to be unveiled at the April meet and presented a trophy as well as the considerable adoration that comes along with being the first ever MS Ride of the Year winner.
So here's what I need you to do here:
Each and every one of you can nominate UP TO 5 cars. You can not nominate your own car and you can not nominate a car of an Admin or Mod. The three cars with the most nominations will be the finalists. If possible as people get nominated I will link to their build threads so you might get a better idea of what cars are getting nominated. If you have a build thread and I haven't linked to your car that's been nominated, feel free to pm me the link. Admins/Mods can nominate but not vote.
Once those three are chosen the owners will be given a chance to make a formal write up about their car, their mod lists, and 3 of their favorite pictures that best represent their car.
It's up to you guys to make this a success, and I will back it 100% by keeping this as updated as possible.