It's easy to make suggestions with other people's money. 'go big or go home,' 'for an extra 3 grand you can get what I think is perfect' 'forget what you want, even though thousands of people have done it and are happy with it, it wont work'
I miss the pure adrenaline rush of the turbo spoiling up and kicking me in the butt at 2800 like it did with my old Rex, but this setup (the same as he wants, only with larger injectors) is more fun. It is more predictable when getting after it, and doesn't have the lag. Plus, it is a good reliable setup. It works well and all of the nay sayers know it. It isn't perfect, but it is more than adequate. It still makes me grin when I get after it. Plus it is not going to turn his trans into a grenade. Remember the limited budget? I'm betting he doesn't want 350hp. With 350, the trany will eat its self and then there is more money being spent. has everyone missed that it is a bugeye? Or did they forget about the 300hp threshold that changes them from something that works into something that is soon to need attention?