2009 WRX + 80lb deer x 40mph = What?


New member
Yeah, this happened yesterday on my way home from work. I'm not to happy about it but it could have been much worse. It certainly was a bad bad day for the +/- 80lb doe that I smacked at 40mph or so. I think the only damage is to the front bumper, grill, passenger side front fender, headlight and foglight.

Its already at the shop, should have it back next week hopefully.



OH NO, you have had the worst luck with this thing, there's deer hair imbedded in your rims! so insurance covered it?

Yeah I am fine and yes the insurance will cover everything but my $100 deductable. The deer is probably hanging in someones backyard right now, wasn't five minutes before somebody stopped and asked if anyone had claimed it yet, ha, Figures. Happened on Sandy River road in Fayette. Here is a front shot.


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well damn, no venison either!!! but glad your fine and its all worked out!

No, I didn't have the money or the time to find someone to butcher it. Its pain enough to deal with everyday bull**** and get the car fixed on the side. I don't eat venison on a regular basis anyway. I was already having a bad day, this just topped it off.

I think I threw the deer about 20 feet in to the ditch. The deer plowed in to me as fast as I plowed in to it, but I think I was slowing down and swerving in avoidance while it seemed to decide running faster was the way to go. All happened in about 1/4 of a second.

That really sucks what happened to the car but it could have been a lot worse, the deer could have ended up on your lap. If it was me I would have finished off the deer with my pocket knife or tire iron if I had the chance. Nothing better than a little hand to hand combat to make you feel better. Plus free meet!!! lol

I didn't need to finnish it off, she was only barely moving for about 20 seconds. I thought about keeping it, but like I said, I was pissed. I just want my car back. I had to go back to driving my old 97 grand am gt in the mean time, its so pittiful.

Wow man, that stinks! Glad you're alright though...and you get some semi-free parts for you car

i forgot to ask but is that bambi hair in your rim? and it looks like time for a aftermarket grill=(. good luck man hope its outa the shop quick, cuz we cant have u rollon around in the Grand AM

Glad you're ok. Looks like you got off relatively easy as well. You might have the shop check your air intake for deer bits- I had to clean mine out when I hit one with the nissan.

glad you are OK, too bad about mangled Rex.

have said it manny times, will say it again...."If you think you're gonna hit an animal, AIM FOR THE BACK!" A driver's reaction time to a sudden appearance of animal in the road is approx 1.5 seconds...if they take just a couple extra steps in that time, you might miss entirely.

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