2010 deer harvest


Well-known member
Who's goin/ gone. i got a 130 pound doe just before lunch today. co-workers daughter got a 160 pound 8 point on youth day. post 'em if you got 'em

I looked out my window. Did see anything. Thursday there were 4 in my front yard.

Is everyone OK with no hunting on sundays? For most of us that means hunting 4 days a year. that's not really worth buying a license. I'm not OK with that. The rest of the country can hunt on sundays.

From the standpoint of someone who doesn't hunt, I like no hunting on Sundays. It means I can walk though the forest with a lowered chance of getting shot. There are people in my area who are not-so-bright and I'm afraid to walk in the woods on week days.

Same goes for lobstering, I like sailing on Sundays in the summer because there aren't tons of loud boats all over.

applied for doe permit this year in a WMD that typically has many permits that go unclaimed...well guess what, I lost the lottery. for this year at least the does on my woodlands are a bit safer.

of course with no doe permit, have seen several lady deers so far

here's a pictar of the bucks I've seen this season...{Big bux pic attached below}

chris, my neighbor used to walk her dog while I was out hunting. It was my property, well behaved dog, any/every day walks, smart enough dog walker, smart enough hunter. We all can do it and differentiate between peoples, dogs on leashes, and wildlife no matter what day of the week it is. Do you really walk around in the woods in November? If you really do try going out there (if its public property) and meet the hunters. I bet they aren't the hill billies you think they are.

Im going out this Saturday to go deer hunting by Frye Mt. Im wicked excited, I didn't get to go hunting at all last year.
