275 gallon Oil tank


Baxley’s Speed Shop
The previous owner of my house decided it would be a good idea to put some sort of liquid other then home heating oil in my tank. Well now my furnace is getting clogged every few months and my heating guy suggested I get a new tank. I see some on craigslist but do any of you guys have one kicking around?

Yea I spent $100 on a filter service when I moved in and then another $150 today because he had to come back to do the same thing.

Weird. Old tank? And how full is it? Nearly empty?

Most tanks if old enough rot from the inside out. It may look just fine on the outside. But on the inside they are complete messes. Its best not to run a tank down below 1/4-1/8 of a tank. They say you start pulling the crap off the bottom of the tank and either clog the filter, or clog a jet in the burner.

By the sounds of it. A new tank might be a good idea.

The tank is in perfect shape the problem is the crap that was in the bottom containmanted the oil that I purchased and is clogging my furnace. I acctually have about 5/8ths a tank left and I think I have to get rid of it all or risk getting that's **** in the new tank.

Hahahahaha. The joys of owning a house. Welcome to the real world pal. Now you get to justy as miserable as the rest of us losers.

Ill buy you a new tank if you pay me back for the sewerline that I had collapse at my house.

Yah there is NO way you're moving that tank with 100 gallons of fuel in it.

you're looking at about 800lbs of fuel, and then the weight of the tank.

I would try and take out what you can anyway. I think some of its still good. I think its an issue of solids in the tank, not a weird liquid.

I agree with Nate, and watch out for the legs if the tank is crapped in the inside they may break off with the weight of the fuel and any sliding motion, then you will have a real mess on your hands.

section of garden hose and a breath mint

I wonder if there's a drain hole somewhere on the bottom of the tank that you could use if you wanted.

Yah there sure is...... Its called the oil feed line. It has a valve on it. Close the valve, disconnect the line, and open it.
