90hp of 10 geared trukn fury


<1.8 liter

My dad is an owner operator, raninto a bind with time today.

asks me if a 192 pound 18x6x 8 foot beam would sit on the roof...

I said "of course."

Handed me the bill of lading, I need to show up as a truckdriver in the morning at the lumber yard...

More than a dollar a mile....

I wonder If I should have commercial plates and the trucking business sticker on the door.

Old subae for hire.

I did deliver as planned. The guy was surprised to see an old subaru...

and he mentioned the smell of gas. I said.. "this is a closed system, does not do what the injecteds do."

So when you going into the delivery business
Good name to go with " All Weather Delivery Service "
ya know, thinking back to 97 when I got my first DL (little cammed ea82) manual steering.. the pushbutton was the amazement, as it was a 1987...way freakin ahead.


I hauled a v8 engine for a firiend. the density should have broken the sube in half, an old 283.. It was then I knew to freight it after finding simple ways to disperse across the sheet metal body. I have hauled complete sube engine, almost 1000 in furnishings, full inside and out, more than once..much more than a mile. After the welding in places a crown vic cop car reinforces... I really can't laugh at the idea of a real service, maybe with a trailer. 2500 with trailer and my weld.. i would attmept with the 9 to 1 engine.

The boxer is the only in the world that can stay that small...and so casually get so freakin big, for real.

It isn't really 10 gears ... 1st gear in high range falls somewhere between 2 and 3 in low range.

^True. I had a friend that had an old 86 just like boxer3main's, he built a rugged hitch for it, and then hooked a double axle car trailer to it, and put a Brat on the car trailer. It hauled it about 50 miles, no issues at all, he did need to use lo range to get up a few of the hills though!!
