A bit about me


^who i am ...what i say --->
so many of you know me from my wrx build people knew the car moreso than they knew me 

my name is scott ive been working on cars since i was 6 with my dad in high school i went to portland arts and technology for automotive tech. ive worked in small garages and dealerships and over the past few years ive been building the business out of my home. i left the dealership august of last year and have been solely working from home since.

on to what i do

routine maintenance,plugs,wires,coils,timing belts,waterpump all your basics are covered

mods,exhaust installs,intakes,injectors,fuel rails,fuel pumps,turbo swaps,fmic installs

body work rust repair even full paint jobs 

something custom ..well depending on what you have in mind i will do my best to make it happen 

i do not only work with subarus i work on pretty much all makes and models. i just did a nice build on a 69 c15 i put a 454 in ,my wrx of course, one of my customers is a drivers ed instructor      

i tend to post a ton of the work on the facebook page for ease of uploads but im sure ill throw some up here as well 

feel free to like the page check out some of the work and give it a like 


this is my profile feel free to add me 


and of course phone 


text is best since im a one man band so to speak its easier for me to reply when i get a second or call and leave a voice mail 

Erwinia and winter?

"My" erwinia comes to visit my phags only if night temperatures are over 68-70F. If night temperature is about 60F I even set the fog or mist system a few mintues by the end of the afternoon.

мы преоставляяем услуги по заправке картриджей всех марок и типов (струйные, лазерные и даже матричные)

Работы выполняются мастерами с опытом работы более 15 лет. Услуги предоставляются с НДС и без НДС, как Вам будет удобнее.

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