Ad links in body of messages?


DRiVe SiDeWayZ
Is anyone else getting those annoying hyperlinked ads in the bodies of the posts? Or is it just me?

You are not seeing things. I am testing something out. Eventually VIP members will not see them.

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Yeah I'm glad I'm VIP as well. They are causing each page to open very slowly for me!!

so there gunna stay for non VIP members?..either way I REALLY need to upgrade

I see them as I have adblock disabled on MS.

Everyone else can piss up a rope, but any advertising dollars MS can get is for the better. It takes money to run this place ya'll.

I wouldn't mind a couple per post, but they are everywhere! In the post, signature, etc.. I do understand that Carter needs the monies, so I guess I really don't care what happens.
