After Group Drive Cruise


New member
Since I was unable to make the group drive today 2point5RS_Dan and myself decided to take a cruise around the Pownal area and snap some pics of the scoobs, was an excellent time







good stuff guys. after being in the car for almost 12 hours, i needed to go home and have a beer. good for you guys though!

good stuff guys. after being in the car for almost 12 hours, i needed to go home and have a beer. good for you guys though!
I felt the same way haha. Just wanted to get home.

Good for you guys....enough is never enough! I can't wait to see your pics Dan...what was the total for the day, 9000?

Nice pics! Man, everyone went on drives today! Including me( but mine was more on the dirtyimpreza side hehehe)

After this drive with Chris I left for the hour and a half ride back to school. Just got back.

My pictures total 1200+ (11.6 gigs, none of this jpeg crap, all raw), I'll be sorting them and editing them tonight and tomorrow.

Sometime before winter hits I want to get a small Pownal/Durham cruise together on a weekend. Maybe cruise + beer after.

nice man, you snap any pics?

Heres a few with my GoPro little camera. There was a guy taking more pics, but he hasnt posted them on dirtyimpreza yet:idk:


This was up on a hill next to the road we were bombing down

You can see the road ever so slightly in the background

The black rs driver is going to the rallyx nationals next weekend in CO. This was his practice day. Hes pretty dam good. I only slid off the road once
. No damage was done to the car.

Utah is pretty damn sweet. I went skiing yesterday
, then today drove 2hrs south west and got to play in the desert and rally on a super nice road(which we might be using for a legit stage rally down the road) The fact that you dont have to worry about trees and blind curves, well there was a few, but we were so far out that they didnt matter, is awesome.

i took the road from auburn to durham to cumberland on the way home... didnt see you guys. I was having a fun time sliding a little bit. I had 255 35 18 on the back and they just cant hold any traction. I normally run 285 35 or 295 30 on the back. It was a hell of a ride.

Jim that's why I didnt call back I was drifting and the cell phone went down while we where talking... If you dont believe me just think about earlier in auburn when we where on the phone.

i took the road from auburn to durham to cumberland on the way home... didnt see you guys. I was having a fun time sliding a little bit. I had 255 35 18 on the back and they just cant hold any traction. I normally run 285 35 or 295 30 on the back. It was a hell of a ride.
Jim that's why I didnt call back I was drifting and the cell phone went down while we where talking... If you dont believe me just think about earlier in auburn when we where on the phone.
We had to stop and get gas then stopped at Krazy's house for a bit.

Those fogs pics are awesome!

Heres a few more from the guy with the red rs took.





Lol he painted the disc brakes.


