Ahhh! Finally the time has come...


New member
Didn't think I would ever get my hands on a set of these, but took the plunge and did it...



Pristine condition! :headbang: Now I just need my car back to get them on! At the body shop :munky2:

what happened to your car man??

and definitely put some rock blocker or laminX on those if you are going to use them in the winter. they look absolutely pristine!!

Nice find man.

Seconded on the rock blocker thing...

Those will compliment the rest of your car very well, grats on finding such a good condition pair! :thumbsup:

Thanks guys. Lamin-X is on the way! That was the first thing I ordered after I bought the lights. There was gonna be no way in hell I was gonna drive with these on without it!

As far as my car goes... got into a little bit of an accident a few weeks ago :BangHead:. It was nothing too serious... bumper to bumper traffic, lady stopped to quick in front of me, bang. I wasn't going very fast, maybe 2-3 MPH. The damage to my car was so minimal, you wouldn't even know I got into an accident. I was just gonna take the insurance money and run, but since I don't own the title of the car, the bank wanted all the repairs done. $1600 in repairs. Busted headlight mount, minor upper tie bar damage, minor damage to hood, minor damage to grill, torn Clear Shield on my bumper, and repaint for bumper, hood, and grill. My insurance company gave me $350 to cover the costs of the Clear Shield on my bumper, which I was really happy about :thumbsup:! It really sounds a lot worse than it was!
