Alien Prequel discussion.


dunno if anyone else on here loved alien, but it has always been among my favorites.

the 2 real sequels, were also very well done. all the fluff since, has been pretty bad, and has not done the brand any justice at all.

there is talk, of a prequel to the original movie. which i am really excited for.

this is a very well written article regarding the possibility. fellow nerds, rejoice.

Well if u get a chance, and ur interested at all in the original alien movies, and the idea of a prequel in the spirit of the originals, give it a read. It's pretty cool

Yeah Phil, all those words and no pictures? That's tough for all of us:) I'll have to get my six year old to read it for me and I'll make a coloring book for everyone who is word challenged

Great article Nailman! Alien was the first rated R movie that I was able to watch when I was about 11 years old. I loved it and have been a huge fan of the movies ever since. I even don't mine the last couple of Alien movies, although they are not as good ast the first 2 films.

The problem I see with a prequel is that it wouldn't or shouldn't have any humans in it at all. It should be about the xeno's and the "space jockeys" species. Maybe throw the Predetor species in there to boot. I did read a couple of the Dark Horse comics back in the early 90's about the "space jockeys" and the xeno's and where the ship came to crash land on L7421, but it's been too many years to remember it clearly.
