Almost free sale


New member
I am throwing this stuff out thursday.  You want it YOU come get it.  To hold your item offer some money or beer.  I'm not expecting much money for any of this.  

98+ Impreza 99+ Forester guage cluster.  

NEW interstate 800 cold cranking amps.  Its big.  Its bad ass.  Its new.

Craftsman weed wacker, needs a primer bulb

2.2L dual port exhaust port cylinder heads.  They have junk yard tags on them.  Not sure of condition.

Fozzy turbo mid pipe

93-03 Imprezas rear drums, slightly used

08-ish Impreza 16" wheel, not sure if its bent or not.

TGVs, good for tgv deletes

ALso, have 2000 Outback sport 2.2L engine, 120K on it. Need $300 for it or trade for 2.5L or 2.5L heads or firearms.

I'm In Naples.

I got a PM offer (beer) for all the Subaru stuff

Fluffy whats your offer?  I think you live the closest to me.  I'm on Cooks Mills Rd.

Ok, glad the interest is there.  I will not throw away anything.  We'll see about getting most of it gone by the end of next weekend.

Smelt, no offers yet on the engine.  

Ed, how about a 6 pack of whatevah  Rolling Rock, Sebago, Sams,  long trail, no Bud.

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I was JUST over your way, then got home and saw the response.... Will you be home tomorrow afternoon?  If so, PM me your number, and Ill swing in, my winter car worries have begun... I wont be able to bring it home tomorrow, don't think it would ride well in the WRX... but will be able to give you $$$ and pick it up this coming weekend.

Smelt, no offers yet on the engine.

Ed, how about a 6 pack of whatevah Rolling Rock, Sebago, Sams, long trail, no Bud.
Figures, got the better part of a 30 rack of bud left in the fridge. But yeah I'm right down the road. I can scoop up a 6 pack of your choice any evening this week.
Well, if you want to call the motor sold, as long as its running, Ill come give you some cash, and a small selection of my favorite microbrews for it on Saturday, it may take a week til I can pick it up though, unless my dad happens not to work this weekend, then Ill steal his truck. Do you have an engine crane? I do, and can bring it if you don't.....

Not sure if it runs.  I got it many years ago from a former member, been in my garage ever since.  The intake is on top of it but not bolted down.  I was told it runs.  I can't imagine anything is wrong with it.  The 2.2Ls are rugged. I work Saturday until 5 or 6.

TGVs have busted sensors.  These are good for TGV deletes only


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