Another new toy


the car is black. I swear


that makes 4 subies, until someone takes my RS off my hands

Another STi!! Looks awesome, what are your plans for this one? And what mods does it already have?

this is going to be my DD, the blue one will be Al's DD. This one has a few goodies and will get the smaller brakes I got from Nailman, so I can run 16 inch snows and maybe fozzie springs to give her some lift. It may be a winter rallycross car for the smoother events.

I know the mods list..hehe ;-) and the rear brakes came from where update your vehicle profile!

I know, I so owed you pics of the car for a long time, Kat can show you all the pix she wants..the suspension was removed prior to sale....hahah

dammit that looks sick. lets see some pics of the suspension
I know, I so owed you pics of the car for a long time, Kat can show you all the pix she wants..the suspension was removed prior to sale....hahah

oh well she still looks great. kat, your collection is growing! hope you like those piaa's, they might be mounted low, but they sure put out a lotta light.
