Apollo is the final Cylon!!! (Official BSG Thread)

Evil Jeff

New member
Since it seems we have "official" threads for everything else, why not one for one of the greatest shows in the history of life itself. I know I'm not the only rabid fan of it around these parts.

And before everyone starts screaming spoiler, no, I have not discovered any insider info. This is merely my educated guess based on several factors (well, 2 mainly). We'll find out if I'm right within the next couple months (or next year if IMDB is right about the schedule

Oh, and since I haven't tormented a certain admin in some time: BSG>Lost.

C'mon Jeff... it's easy to figure that out! Just reference this:


I've never even seen the show, but figured this would be a good poke at you. I also feel that you are a total geek, yet I totally wish that I had the time to follow the show. Will you be attending the BSG-Con?



BSG is watched by rabid fans such as Jeff and myself who saw the original as kids. Looking back the show was great when I was a kid, but the new BSG kicks ass

Go back to watching brokeback diesel there Rob

I have no idea who the last Cylon is Jeff but I'd rather wait til the final episode and be disappointed then
