auto makers trying for new law


Well-known member
As seen on the channel 13 news this morning, they are pushing to make out illegal to work on your own car, claiming digital copyright or something. Pretty sure they'll have a hard time with it since it's likely a ploy to make more money in dealer service departments and auto parts stores would suffer some. That and people will be wicked mad

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Electricians have tried to do the same thing in the past.   Tried to get laws past that made it illegal to do your own residential wiring.   Government basically took the stand that if you want to burn your house down due to your bad wiring job, you go right ahead.

Electricians have tried to do the same thing in the past.   Tried to get laws past that made it illegal to do your own residential wiring.   Government basically took the stand that if you want to burn your house down due to your bad wiring job, you go right ahead.
well either way, you would still need to have a licensed electrician to inspect it first anyways, right?

well either way, you would still need to have a licensed electrician to inspect it first anyways, right?
Only when you do the initial hookup of the panel and meter box to get the power company to hook up your service. After that you can do whatever you want. No one will know.

If that law passed, then every auto parts store would have so cease selling parts to every garage in the US which would then have to close if were not dealer affiliated. There is no way anyone would back a bill that would close the doors to billions of dollars and 10's of thousands of jobs in the auto parts manufacturing business. Time Warner and Comcast tried the same thing. The Internet restructuring Act failed to pass, and so will this.

Hope so. Nissan would love what I did today. Changed my own oil, then attacked my rear bumper with a hole saw and trailer hitch with a grinder. They'd love to keep seeing me taller wire plugs, bit I moved it where it won't get broken. And I agree that it won't get any support where I'd cost so many people their jobs and cost all of us twice as much as necessary for regular maintenance


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