Bad day.


New member
One of my neighbors had a bad day.


Yeah it sux to make it worse it's an older guy so it really puts a strain on him until the insurance kicks in I would imagine.

Daaaaammmmnnn ....

That really sucks :sad5:

But on a lighter note ... he wasn't looking for a drop on that Taurus by any chance ... was he?


Oh snap. That really stinks. And I am sure the insurance is not kicking in right away. Hope he makes out alright

oh man. what a bumer. i dont wish stuff like that on anyone. cause no matter what, it always seems cars are worth more driving around then they EVER are to the insurance company. wife got in a wreck (not her fault) and totalled her 97 corolla. we hadno ayment on it, and it had only like 40k miles. and we got close to nothing on it from the insurance co. we tried to find another car with the insurance money without spending more, and that was impossible. wish that guy luck. hopefully he makes out ok.

What the ins. company won't tell you is this:

You can make them find you a replacement car. Have a low-mileage Corolla that they say is worth $500? You can say "OK, insurance company. Take your $500 and YOU find me a Corolla with same miles and same features. No, really. I'll wait."

Usually they'll up their offer to you when you choose this option, as it's easier to write a check than to shop for a car.
