Beater Subie


New member
Since I got laid off at work now Im forced to return the rs to the rightful owner because ive only paid off a small percentage of what I owe on it... my own fault... and to think I was so close to getting a new subie
I need something REALLY cheap... like for $700. Just to get me a mid 90s impreza or obs. let me know, thanks..

Craigslist is your friend.

As Dan always says, a car in maine that runs and passes inspection is worth at least $1000 no matter what it is.

Every subaru I got for less than 1000 has needed some love, been a good car, but needed work.

Although... if you look for crappy american carcs like an *gasp* escort, or status, or something like that. You will probably find them for $500 in decent condition. Just because nobody wants them..
