Big Sexy and His Sti of whiteness


So today we where killing some time... took some shots with my friend mick and big sexy's sti... we also made a video... Ill post that up later.




same shot with a lense flare






not trying to be a dick, but all the ones of the car are out of focus. you've got the concept of framing and composition, but I think you gotta grab a tripod. just trying to be helpful, I always assume people's photo posts to be like photo class critiques

not trying to be a dick, but all the ones of the car are out of focus. you've got the concept of framing and composition, but I think you gotta grab a tripod. just trying to be helpful, I always assume people's photo posts to be like photo class critiques
Video Camera... and yes two are out of focus... some where ment to be (like the one from low it was supposed to be out of focus and the ground in focus). The one of the drivers side was def out of focus... but it was the only one I had

The Problem is if it switches to video mode it will unfocus but still take the pic. I have a tripod but I wasn't using it. We where filming a quick vid and I took some pics for him.

you are def right tho and I dont mind if you say that.

I am getting cannon 7d around xmas time and some lenses for christmas. This should fix that. For now I am stuck with a video camera lol.

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i know those guise!
That was when we were waiting to meet up with you. I had to go to the Doctors right next to that place so and Mick got out of SMCC at 10am so we met Sexy at that place. Lol I am working on a vid of it. Haha

LOL at that drink... still cant get over it. "you should tell the bar tender to put this in a coffee cup or something less gay" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

those pictures, demand to be posted as well. you boys should come down to boston for some pics.
I am down... but last time I was at a club down there I got in a fight with the security team and punched a plate glass window out... lets just say that ended the fight. They didnt see that one coming.

That was the night I broke up with my gf of 8 years. Some kid ( a friend of one of the bouncers) was all over her when we got in an arguement and I was WASTED!!! REALLY LONG STORY BUT I WON THAT ONE ALONE... Thank god those guys didnt know what was up... **** CLUB FELT!
