Bluenose Autoclub Rallyx This weekend!!!!!


I'm not ReZPunk
Yeah, Im there!!! with my new and someone improved? Sube Rallymonster.. Everyone should go... SHould be a blast.. its sunday...... its 25 bux to race......oh yeah, its in Halifax Nova Scotia. only a short ride.. lets go!!!

ah see change your route to go through saint john cut off a bunch of time.

and its not quite in down town halifax. its about 20 mintues north so cut off another 15 miles.

your total

557 mi

Well, its fixed... minus the front axles need replacement.. and struts........and I need to fix the gas leak.......alignment...........bent rims................

but other then that. tip top..

BTW it snowed like 14cm (what ever that means) and should be a snow packed start.

live update, Nate just called me to say he took 2nd overall and in his class with the 93 L wagon. AWESOME job man. he made a few boost buggies go home with their tails tucked between their legs.

and a few of the crazy Bluenose fellas are thinking about making the trip to Union this fall. i hope we can convince Kat and Tim to extend member rates to the boys up north who do the same for us 8)

well done mate see you when you get home.

good work by Nate

always so satisfying to show how quick those lightweight older Imprezas really are.

a stripped-down 2.2 can really boogie on typical rallyx course...way better than most WRXes!

WRX= lag lag lag lag lag, spin spin spin, grip, brake brak brake, lag lag lag lag, spin spin spin spin

2.2= spin, grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip, brak brake, spin, grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip

WRX= lag lag lag lag lag, spin spin spin, grip, brake brak brake, lag lag lag lag, spin spin spin spin

2.2= spin, grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip, brak brake, spin, grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip
you forgot the WRX/STI's push push push (oink oink), and the 2.2's rotate rotate rotate

WRX= lag lag lag lag lag, spin spin spin, grip, brake brak brake, lag lag lag lag, spin spin spin spin

2.2= spin, grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip, brak brake, spin, grip grip grip grip grip grip grip grip
you forgot the WRX's push push push, and the 2.2's rotate rotate rotate
True but I was factoring in the STi component for the: "STI's are WRX's too" folks.

it is the same reason the miata is faster than the WRX in AutoX

Going back out this weekend!! lets make a STM presence..
call it a warm up to Rochester! Don't be skurred, its only a few hour drive..
