Bored at school: Either high school or college.

Tan Man

New member
can i get a show of hands on how many people have logged onto MS during a class. I HAVE!!!:wh:i do it often.

every single class I do it. Math class is aweful, AP stats class is ok but I don't have to listen in class to get an A, I can hardly ever get on in History or Spanish though.

during civil engineering/architecture

Any class I have a computer in or bring my laptop with. I always refresh the forum main page and see the new threads. I have too much free time thanks to classes that are a waste of my time, yet for some reason I'm paying for?

My advisor was late so I just sat in the room across the hall for 10 minutes

now she's here and I'm bored on my laptop

Im not in school anymore, haven't been for a while. But I ussually post durring my breaks at work, or while I am waiting for the design software I use to crunch some numbers on a TIN model or something:rolleyes:. The connection is just faster here. I don't want to waste my time with the dial-up at home. We can't get high speed yet where I live:spinmastert:. I also post from my buddies house in Kingfield.

You guys are so lucky, when I was in school I asked if I could use a laptop in class to take notes and do whatever and then watch movies durring study hall. They told me if I brought a laptop to school it would be confiscated, not to be returned and I could be suspended!!! BULLCRAP!!!

what else is there to do during psych class cant really get on in ethics she doesn't like computers or cell phones and government class is up for grabs depends on the day

I don't go to school. Drop out, so am i allowed to participate in this thread...?

I don't go to school. Drop out, so am i allowed to participate in this thread...?

Sure you can!!
you should talk to us why you dropped out. Cause high school sucks:rant:we love to hear of everyone's high school/college stories or funny times that have happened in school. I have this really funny engineering teacher who repeats things about 200 times. oh and he yells at us... a lot:lol:

my tech teacher was under the asumption that every one was stoned all the time if you made a stupid comment or were just clowning around

a kid in our materials design class asked if it was bad to inhale aluminum immediately the teacher said i dont need to hear about your smokin devices

hahahahahaha nice one. you know how slope is y = mx + b right? and b is the y-intercept abbrv. by y-int. well some kid red y intercept as a word. he asked what "yint" was.
