Bugeye meets GOLD!


New member
...well, in the winter time it will

I painted my winter wheels gold, and so far so good! They are turning out awesome. I've got 2 done, 2 to go. The wheels are stock RS wheels. Here are some pics!

This was taken right after the last coat of clear went on... and yes I know theres gold paint on the tire. Big woop, it rubs right off.



They will be going on this once that crappy time of year comes around...



... and I got the wheels off of my bro's GC8... which I think he is selling btw


This is the 3rd set of wheels I have painted by rattle can, and they always turn out incredible! The black wheels on my WRX right now were rattled canned as well.

Thanks for looking!

I think it will look great with gold rs wheels and some slush and snow to go with them. I say bring on the inclement weather. Four wheel slide time!

I've got some wheels I need painted ..., I painted my hood, I assume it can't be any worse than that? Would you wanna help me? ;D

8) Freakin sick! 8)

Yeah, paint the others (take your time, do it right) then post some pics of them all mounted up! Do it! Are those my old wheels? I miss my old wheels.

i rattle canned a set of Forester XT wheels for my winter getup... they look so good I wanna run my snows all year round!

REALLY?!! I've seen that crap there and always thought it would come out shiny gold would look like crap. I guess that goes to show me.

If you're concerned about getting paint on your tires (although I know you are not concerned) you can spread vaseline on the rubber. Or you can put some tire shine on before spray painting. This will keep the paint from sticking to the tire at all. Once the paint has cured on the rim, just take a bristle brush and give it a quick scrub. It'll come right off without an issue.

Ask me how i know.

wow...looks great...want to do my [insert vulgar 6 letter word here...starts with 'w'] wheels too? i fail at every painting job i do
