Carter Administrator Apr 6, 2008 #2 look out! Better call your dealer if you think you are affected. :-[ :confused2: Stop Sale
B brighton Rally Fluffer Apr 6, 2008 #6 LYUGVUYBIUN$#%%@$@^*##^ fudge!!! ??? ??? ??? ??? *EDIT* I think I'm all set my MFG date is June/07 (fingers crossed)
LYUGVUYBIUN$#%%@$@^*##^ fudge!!! ??? ??? ??? ??? *EDIT* I think I'm all set my MFG date is June/07 (fingers crossed)
wzrd New member Apr 6, 2008 #7 :'(..Big trouble...glad I'm preceding slowly on the upgrade....Makes me think that maybe the 09 lancer relliant is starting to look like a little better deal :
:'(..Big trouble...glad I'm preceding slowly on the upgrade....Makes me think that maybe the 09 lancer relliant is starting to look like a little better deal :
J Jimbo New member Apr 6, 2008 #10 "engine knocking sound" and further inspection reveals "internal component wear". Terboz dun blowed up the moterz.
"engine knocking sound" and further inspection reveals "internal component wear". Terboz dun blowed up the moterz.
S shorty2 Guest Apr 6, 2008 #11 Oh. Oh well, I'll sell a ton of warranty parts. It's good for dealers, bad for manufacturers.
Pedro ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ Apr 7, 2008 #13
S silver bqqst. Guest Apr 8, 2008 #14 good news here, none of the cars we have here at Patriot are included in the list.