Clutch/trans?? help


New member
so i was pulling my mother out of a snow bank and had some trouble doing so, but after a minute got her unstuck. well then proceeded to go into another. so after a few times playing that game i saw smoke coming from the hood scoop. it looked like it was coming from the clutch area. then i tried to drive off aftrer letting cool for a minute. and it started really slow, not moving fast at all and i seemed with gear change nothing was changing jst staying same rpm as before. goes into reverse no problem. so i believe its the clutch but would like any input before i buy a new one. thank you

Sounds like you over heated it and it wouldn't grab anymore. How many miles are on the clutch. Occasionally you can let it cool down fully and it may be alright or you've just smoked the flywheel/clutch and you'll need to swap it all.

You don't ever want to ride your clutch that much. Use it as an off and on switch, especially in a situation like that where there's extra load on it. Good luck and hopefully it'll recover without costing you too much!

Hopefully you just sheened off the surface, could always try the 'put it in 1st and drop the clutch' trick. I did that to mine before it fully grenaded, and it bought me a month or so of time.

she is smoked, barely moves but got a spec stage 2 clutch and fidanza lwfw for little under 600. anything else i need?? 

ask anyone who has ever one a clutch on a subaru, they will have one for you, i got 3 if you want one haha. 


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