color under the hood?

I was joking
yet I did have blue under my 89 escort gt lol was pretty much first kit in newengland when cops didnt know what do about it ..

Anything in moderation is fine.  Black, aluminum stuff, gold, are all classy colors to have under the hood. As long as we are talking shiny raisin and not under glow.  Dont be the guy that goes to PepBoys and buys blue wire looms and does every wire in the engine.  

No neon. Lol. I had to replace my inlet tube and went aftermarket. Red after maf and inlet. Was debating whether matching the snorkel and maybe the fuse box on the drivers side. I had considered looming as well, but it appears that is too far.

Paint everything under the hood dark brown. That way it won't ever look dirty and oily.

I honestly don't understand underhood decoration... I open the hood once a month to check the oil and make sure the engine is still there. That's about it.

It's nice to have some color under the hood, and it helps to see where certain leaks are if they becomes one. Some people, including myself take pride in how clean, and decent my things are, and that includes under the hood. I never went crazy on my XT, but I had a few things that were red under there.


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