Cruise night in bridgton?


New member
Last year a few cars from the club showed up to educate the old timers. lol Would anyone be interested in going this year? Would be a funny sight if we took over the parking lot. Its on every weds around 6 at the beef and ski. Maybe set a club date?

Its a little short notice, next week on the 28th. show up before 5. I dont want to by laying down in the parking lot saving spots.

Maybe after cruise night or plan B if it rains a small group drive that covers all the twisty roads around bridgton. (ie 93, 107. 114)

Went to one last year, I'd go again. I'd have to take the OBS though, the leggy isn't ready. Sigh, still can't keep up with the turbo Subarus.

I get home 6ish. If I dont forget about it I could be there 6:15 depending how grubby I am from work.

Sorry fellas. I'm going to have to bail out. Im heading down to New Hamster to pick up a new set of wheels for the LGT tomorrow (18" Legacy 30R wheels).

Won't make it back in time.
