Deer VS Ferrari (in a WRX WAGON)


thanks jim for bringing me some Deer meat tonight! :

Someone hit an already hit deer on the way to my house tonight. Who drives a wrb wrx wagon on here?????

I like the string of guts on the subframe!





On my way to Pat's (to work on his turd-mobile) I see a car pulled over w/ hazards flashing and there are two cars comming the other way. I slow down and try to see what's up w/ the person pulled over. It's too dark to tell, however, when I bring my attention back to the road I see a dead deer 5ft in front of me. Too late to try and stop or go around it so I aim for the center and I can feel this thing rub on the entire underside of my car. I thought about pulling over but it was dark out and I don't have a flashlight so for the next few miles I pay extra attention to how my car is driving. Meanwhile the wife calls and I tell her my horrible news and she can't stop laughing. I don't think she believes me. So I call Pat and see if there's room to pull my car in and just check it over. Aside from blood and guts everywhere all looks ok. I finish working on the turd-mobile for the night and head home. Not only do I see a diff. car pulled over in the same spot I ran the deer over, but not even a quarter mile up the road I see blue lights flashing. I slow down and there is a cop pulled over and another car and another dead deer. I'm just glad I didn't hit one head on.

I think Riley and Tilly have that covered... dont you? :-
Prolly. I can only imagine what it'll be like tomm. 30 cat's, dog's and other assorted animals hanging out under my car.

I can't wait. :'(

three weeks ago on rt 1 i was in the box truck when i saw a deer run out into traffic at full speed, it bounced off the 40+mph Volvo in the right lane and went about twenty feet in the air and landed dead center in the road just in front of me. I had no time to swerve or stop so i just drove over it and felt it hit every low spot under me. I kept going and had the craziest adrenalin rush ever. I grew up on 231 in new gloucester and i have come close to hitting them by those big fields many times.
