Ty Ty

New member
Finally rolled my bike out of the garage today...and the clutch is stuck...*sigh* >

easy fix

jack up back o bike

start her in 3rd/4th gear

run up to say 4k rpms

pull clutch lever, stomp on back brake...presto, stuck clutch is I mean, broke loose

well, it worked on my old 911 every spring



Fortunately my fix might be safer. Think it is just low on fluid, not sure why, but it doesn't have much in it. I'll pick up some dot3 tomorrow, and if it is still acting funky, then I'll start taking stuff apart. *sigh* I rebuilt the motor 2 years ago...I don't want to have to start taking things apart again.

What's funny is that I can tell people that my bike is liquid cooled and has a driveshaft, and they can usually tell me what I have for a bike, haha.

clutch disc and flywheel surface like to marry each other (dust loves rust, multiplied by storage time = stuck clutch squared)

Eh. It shifted in and out of first before I fired it up, and I shifted into first for a second after it had finally started, but once I rolled to the end of the driveway, and tried to shift back into first, *hop stall*. I can reach down and yank on the foot petal and pull it back up into neutral. We'll see. Maybe it was low on fluid last year and I didn't notice. I was really busy last year and only put maybe 200 miles on it....

easy fix

jack up back o bike

start her in 3rd/4th gear

run up to say 4k rpms

pull clutch lever, stomp on back brake...presto, stuck clutch is I mean, broke loose

well, it worked on my old 911 every spring