Driver's side mirror. 96 legacy


Some asshat in a parking lot snapped it off and didn't leave a note.

I need the mirror ASAP. Mine is black, but if you have one for sale that's not black I'll take it. I need to pass inspection and I have spray paint.

thank you

Awesome! Silver would be fine, it would blend into the car until I got around to painting it black.

How much do you want for it, and when can I come grab it from you?


that sucks, hunt em down and make them whear that asshat on their head =p. hope your ride gets compleated.

I'm picking one up today for $10. So it isn't a big deal. I'm more upset with society than the fact my mirror got ripped off.

hope the screws came out easier then the ones on it
and which switch runs the heated part of the mirror?

The screws were in there wicked tight! Getting it off the car was a little bit of a pain. I believe the switch is part of the controller for the movement of the mirrors. It's right next to the joystick.
