Driving Habits


Evergreen Auto Spa

Good to hear you all seem similar to me, I have a problem obeying those funny signs with numbers on them. I'm also known weave through traffic on occasion but only when some genius sets their cruise .00000015 mph faster then the car on the right and decides they need to take 4 hours and 40 miles to pass. Oh and through Hartford, CT, I think it is a requirement to weave thruough traffic to even make it out of there.

-----Added 4/23/2009 at 08:25:58-----

Also, that section of RT 26 through Shaker Village, I swear that section of road presses the accelerator down for me, there must be some interference with the Drive By Wire system in that area.
I use to drive thru Hartford all the time and if you weren`t paying attention in either the left or right lane you could be exiting 95. I usally passed thru heading north after 6 pm and heading south between 3 & 4 am. Average speed 75.

I am most always at least 5 over around town and 10+ out in the open. Barb says I am an aggressive driver,,, I don't see it. I don't drive aggressive around heavy traffic, light maybe sometimes, open road almost all the time, cut corners accelerate hard out etc.

The drafting and whip it out to pass technique are used on very rare occasions, mostly driveing the wife to the hospital or haveing to pee REAL bad comes to mind;)As for all the accidents:eek:They all have a story.Most of them occured when someone else was driveing drunk.No excuses, but as a teenager in the 1970ies if the police did stop you ,and saw/smelled booze,most of the time they would tell you to DRIVE it home.Differant times ,well before the "just say no" campain:spinmastert:.I can say.... that i feal like the luckiest man alive to have lived through as many head ons and roll overs and to have walked away at the time:party:.[example;hit a lumber truck head on in a nova,i was the passenger in front.My buddy went to jail,i got into the car behind us and hit the bar]Lots of residual medical issues including head trama,chronic pain etc...AS for the license ? When i was 29 before the birth of my boy , i sold the tricked out camero[had to file a sr22 cert just to drive to work] bought a vw microbus and didnt drive or own a sports car till i turned 40.At that point[the wife and] i figured i was RESPONSIBLE enough to enjoy the PRIVALIGE of driveing a nice car.
Have fun/be safe
I Hey Paul once you hit your fortys we all go thru our 2nd childhood. For me it was my 89 SHO. I am probably the only one on the board going thru their 3rd childhood

I Hey Paul once you hit your fortys we all go thru our 2nd childhood. For me it was my 89 SHO. I am probably the only one on the board going thru their 3rd childhood
I hope to be as lucky to get a 3rd childhood:party:
I've hit 100+ twice in my life, once when I was trying to get to my girlfriend when she called to tell me she had gotten into an accident on the turnpike, couldn't get out of the car, and didn't know if she was okay. I flashed my lights from as far back as I could see a car in the passing lane and was careful to keep an eye out for other traffic and keep back from those who didn't realize that me going 100+ and flashing my lights meant to get the **** out of the way.

The other time, some asshat kept riding my ass on the turnpike. I would speed up and get away and then they would speed up and just stay on my bumper. I sped up to 100 and then let off the gas to slow down. Just so happens the State Police had their plane out that day (I didn't even know they still used those). When the cop walked up to me and told me they clocked me going 86, I wasn't going to argue. That's the only speeding ticket I've had since getting my license at 16 (5 years ago). I do drive 'spirited', but always safe, I don't weave (unless that asshat is in the passing lane doing 65). I try not to pass off the turnpike, but sometimes I get aggravated and can't help myself. Typically I don't 'race', but if there's a car in front of me, I will show them that I CAN keep up

As for that, I don't like seeing people do 30 over ... it's not safe at any level on a public way. Posted speed limits are set where they are based on the location you're driving through. Doing 55 in a 25 means you're probably going to hit that kid who's ball just rolled into the street. Going 95 in a 65 ... well it's not as bad as doing 55 in a 25, but at that point, if something happens, you're less likely to keep control of your car ... plus you never know what the person in the other lane is going to do ... and when.

That's how I roll.

I'm a slowass. Speed limit all the time (unless I'm on the highway, then I tend to run it at about 75.)

How long it TAKES me to get to the speed limit, however...totally different story.

I also try to rev-match when downshifting, and have been practicing my heel-toe for something to do while putt-putting to work.

I always rev match (double clutch) when I downshift. Helps extenuate the life of most of the drive train.

And it makes for a smoother ride.

You were granny shifting and you wernt double clutching like your supposed to. Now me and the mad scientist are going to have to pull the manifold and fix the welds you blew.

I drive close to 600 miles a week, so I drive right around the speed limit cause I would go through so much gas if I were to flog the 2.5i all the time. I do have my fun dont' get me wrong, I am game for a good race outta the toll, or stop light to stop light, but most of the time I keep it under control.

Good Habits:

I always have my seatbelt buckled before I even start the ignition... I actually though something was wrong with my Integra GSR a few years back because I had owned it for a year, and never heard the seatbelt chime before....

I never "drive spiritedly" until the cars up to temps, and always give the car a minute in idle before I shut her off, if I have been giving her the love.

I never do any of the following if there's another (unwilling) car in sight.

Bad Habits:

I succumb to peer pressure sometimes (everyone's guilty, even the ex-cop I used to work with got busted going 130 in his vette.) and when stock Mitsu-Evos pass me thinking their **** don't stink... I have to put em in their place.

Funnier but still a bad habit I guess, since even though I'm not, it "Supports" street racing... when ricers and stuff roll up on me that aren't worth the waste of gas.. I still rev it back at them @ the lights, so they think I'm all game, the light turns green and they take off like an ******* while I put away from the light driving normal/eco.

I'm the same way. I try my best to be good and responsible and respectable to others, but sometimes I drive like a stupid teenager. And my car isn't anything close to an STi
I am a teenager, but only really drive like one when I'm in a good mood, the streets are almost empty, and my dad is with me

<<<<< Notice my avatar

I have an issue with speeding mostly and the passing bug is a huge one for me like wzrd said. Passing multiple cars, weaving, etc etc. Im huge on using proper driving techniques though. I might pass you at 130+ but I will be using my blinkers and have my lights on at least.

Ive only got into one major accident and that was when I totaled my audi. It was my first car I was 18 and I decided it would be fun to pretend to be nigel.
When my car is on the road I get a ticket at least once a month Ive lost my license a few times and im always shopping for insurance. One of these days I will post a pic of my ticket collection if I can round them all up.

I have seemed to being calming down quite a bit in the past few years. I think its because im starting to get old or maybe im just sick of dealing with cops. Not that they are doing anything wrong.

Sounds like you (along with some others) would benefit from owning a radar detector

I consider my self a pretty good driver, but by good i don't mean save i mean i'm comfortable behind the wheel and like to drive close to the limit of what the car and handle. I wear my selt belt, use blinkers, etc but don't go anywhere in my subies without a radar detector.

People who can't apex into their drive ways let alone rotories drive me crazey!

I switch to my 96 tacoma a lot just to slow myself down.


But on top of all that i'm pretty good at moderation.

I love my radar. Hopefully someday I will go valentine. From what I hear once you get one you never go back.

one ticketed stop... well it ended up being more of a summons.. I was passing a guy that was going 20 under (real easy, nothing special) he sped up and the guy behind me was passing as well.

so I dumped the skinny pedal in third. cop comming the other way. way too fast in a 50 zone... whoops.

$100 fine and I am good. ADA saw it my way.


If I wasn't a high school student, I would definitely go with the valentine one (although I haven't entirely ruled out the 9500ix), although the Escort 8500 x50, Whistler Pro-78, Beltronics v955, and Whistler XTR-690/695 are in a much more realistic price range.

Again, if I had the moneyz (and a car, and a job) I would add a laser jammer to the arsenal.

edit: bleh, I'm searching/making a police counter-measures thread now.

edit: bleh, I'm searching/making a police counter-measures thread now.
there was one in one of shorty's forums a while ago...

I don't have a radar detector, I don't speed (more than 5 over)... so bleh, I don't really need one.


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