So I quit my job a little while back and i've been having a lot harder time getting myself back into the realm of the employed for a while now..
Which is bad news when you've got to make your payments on your STi!!
*bitches some more*
If anyone knows of a place that can pay me well, preferably during the day...
I'm decent with computer (but don't have actual certifications, though i have already had IT jobs in the past.)
I don't mind busting my ass
If anyone's got something good they can sign me onto in the Portland, Westrbook, Saco, Scarborough area, please let me know!
hahah thanks for listening to a grandma thread!
Which is bad news when you've got to make your payments on your STi!!
*bitches some more*
If anyone knows of a place that can pay me well, preferably during the day...
I'm decent with computer (but don't have actual certifications, though i have already had IT jobs in the past.)
I don't mind busting my ass
If anyone's got something good they can sign me onto in the Portland, Westrbook, Saco, Scarborough area, please let me know!
hahah thanks for listening to a grandma thread!