Emplyment (or lack thereof)


New member
So I quit my job a little while back and i've been having a lot harder time getting myself back into the realm of the employed for a while now..

Which is bad news when you've got to make your payments on your STi!!

*bitches some more*

If anyone knows of a place that can pay me well, preferably during the day...

I'm decent with computer (but don't have actual certifications, though i have already had IT jobs in the past.)

I don't mind busting my ass

If anyone's got something good they can sign me onto in the Portland, Westrbook, Saco, Scarborough area, please let me know!

hahah thanks for listening to a grandma thread!


why did you quit your job before you had a new one lined up?
"Personal reasons"

In short... my ex girlfriend and I broke up... my coworker thought it'd be ok to get her drunk and bring her home for the night 2days after...

Decided I'd rather be unemployed then find myself with a lawsuit for hospitalizing him.

Life lesson #281: If you broke up with her... laugh at the fact that now someone else has to deal with her crap.

Life lesson #281: If you broke up with her... laugh at the fact that now someone else has to deal with her crap.
wow, well put...I never though of it like that...

dealing with the girl afterwards always sucks, but rememeber that theres a reason that you broke up.
