Flat black on spinmastert's car is no more.....


Active member
Out of boredom spin and i took some sandpaper to the recently painted hood of his recently swapped Impreza. After about 4 hours of sanding, polishing and swears here's what we were left with. It's not perfect but look pretty darn good from 6 ft away




Haha VERY nice! It came out a raisin ton better than I expected ... even though we didn't finish it
Too much sanding. I went a little too happy with the sandpaper when I switched to a new piece, but Lobstah did a DAMN good job! I'm gunna pay the man to do the rest of my car! Thanks a ton man, I like it a LOT better than the flat. This guy has everything needed to beautify a vehicle ;D

Thanks man! Yeah, I like it ... I'm gunna put a couple more coats on the scoops and vents and sand them down so I can get those shiny as well ;D

now you need to take your side marker lights a part and paint them black cause that chrome stands out to much

Do I just paint the back part of the inside? Or do I get some like .. transparent black paint and do the cover?

Can I get those parts today? ;D

Haha to bad it doesn't look like that NOOOO MOREEEE lol there was green spots and he put flat black over it, need to do it again >
Loooookkkkkkssss reallllyyyyyy goooooddd tho
