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Has anyone had it recently? My dad said it's going around ... Saturday I must have thrown up a good 4 times. Yesterday I felt fine until last night and now that feeling is back .. wtf?! :-X

Has anyone had it recently? My dad said it's going around ... Saturday I must have thrown up a good 4 times. Yesterday I felt fine until last night and now that feeling is back .. wtf?!
Seriously though, we had a thread about it a while ago, headcount of sick ppl.

Lots of honey, lemons, and tea, sweat that sh9t out.

Back in Russia we have kinda like sauna type of things (not public
) where temp gets up to around 120C, being there for about 15-20 min kills any type of flu you have

You could try Richmond sauna for that matter, but i'll be wary getting in the same room naked with a bunch of other ppl

That may just make me throw up more .. unless the other participants were of the opposite sex and good looking in nature. I'd probably feel much better then

i am lucky, i managed to avoid the plague..the entire family got it...my wife...my son...my daughter...all infected this winter...not me

i have had one head cold that's about it..and it was last week when i had to take my Class B driving test..so nyquil was out of the question, i made it through fine tho.

The sick bastards need to stay the fudge home. I'm fed up with this, i'm sick AGAIN, because people keep coming to working hacking, coughing, and sneezing there gross ass flu germs everywhere.

If you are sick stay away from other people! Especially when you're first coming down with it! >

I'm not sure what I had, but I was sick for about 4 days last week. Missed the entire week of work except Friday. Hacking,sweating,headache,congested.....there were a couple of nights I couldn't sleep,and one day I could barely stand up to do anything. I took some EXtra Strength Tylenol for a day or two and then Dicam,drank a lot of water, and by Friday I was good enough to go back to work. Man, it was miserable, but I shook it pretty fast I guess.

almost every one in the shop at work has had the flu or some kind of cold this winter i was out for two days after a long weekend of the flu and the pour wife got it but is prego and could not take the good drugs i got to make the flu last 5 days and not 10 days i hope all of you take this advice wash your hands vary reg. and if you do get it do not go to work and make everyone at work sick

Barbra and her daughter had it, well Ellen still has it. 2 guys that Barbra works with had it and one ended up with pneumonia.
