Forum acting up


Is anyone else having issues with the forum? For the past 2 days I haven't been able to access it, and I haven't been getting any email updates either. So I assumed everyone was having the problem. Finally today I started receiving updates via email. But I still can't access the forum with firefox. So I loaded up konqueror and it seems to be working alright.

Still won't load at all, or very slow with firefox.

First USMB goes down, now MS. My life is in shambles...

I realized I had noscript turned off, now that it's back on and blocking it's working a hell of a lot quicker in firefox.

Yup working for me now too. But yeah USMB is still down!!!!
Glad it's working for you again, but it's upsetting me USMB is down still
They got some virus thing too
To clarify, to block the evil site. Install noscript. It's a firefox addon. Once it's installed and you restart firefox right click on the page. Under the noscript menu disable scripts to enable noscript. This will allow MS to work properly. Also, unless you have nscript setup correctly other sites may stop working right, so you may need to disable it for full functionality of other things.

Also, I dislike that I cannot use enter in my replies to break up text and instead have to type HTML br codes into my posts. Whats up with that.

Also, I dislike that I cannot use enter in my replies to break up text and instead have to type HTML br codes into my posts. Whats up with that.
It'll most likely be fixed. Don't complain, at least the forum is working again!
